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Espais i solucions disponibles

1 20+

Recomanat per a tu

Oficina privada

Espai de treball privat llest per traslladar-s'hi per a equips de qualsevol mida, amb els serveis compartits o privats que triïs. A més, hi ha opcions de tota la planta disponibles que t'ofereixen més privadesa i personalització.


Més informació sobre les oficines privades

Passi de dia

Reserva accés a espai de treball compartit o a oficina privada per a un dia. Més informació

  • Per a una persona sola i equips petits
  • Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè i te il·limitats i molt més
A partir de €25/dia*

*Més els impostos aplicables

Sales de reunions

Reserva sales de conferències per hores per a grups de totes les mides. Més informació

  • Per a grups petits i grans
  • Wi-Fi ràpid, eines audiovisuals per a conferències i molt més
A partir de €15/seient/hora*

*Més els impostos aplicables

Afiliació mensual: WeWork All Access

Accés a centenars d'espais de treball compartits a prop teu i arreu del món. Més informació

Plus Més popular

Treballa des de Més de 500 ubicacions


  • S'inclou 1 espai de treball compartit al dia
  • 5 crèdits inclosos per mes per reservar sales de reunions i oficines privades

*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables


Treballa des de més de 180 ubicacions


  • S'inclou 1 espai de treball compartit al dia
  • 2 crèdits inclosos per mes per reservar sales de reunions i oficines privades

*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables

Oficina privada

Selecciona la teva data de trasllat i capacitat per veure l'inventari.

Oficina de planta sencera

Amb opcions i serveis privats per a marques personals.

Oficina de planta sencera
Més de 50 persones Planta privada

Serveis professionals

Emmagatzematge de bicicletes Espai per a esdeveniments Sala de benestar Amics dels gossos Dutxes Sala de criança Barista Jocs recreatius

Més informació


Icon for emmagatzematge de bicicletes

Emmagatzematge de bicicletes

Icon for espai per a esdeveniments

Espai per a esdeveniments

Icon for sala de benestar

Sala de benestar

Icon for amics dels gossos

Amics dels gossos

Icon for dutxes


Icon for sala de criança

Sala de criança

Icon for barista


Icon for jocs recreatius

Jocs recreatius

Mostra tots els serveis


2 Dublin Landings, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1 Dublin, D D01 V4A3

Trànsit proper

  • Parking available

  • R801, R131

  • Bike storage available

Finding North Wall Quay Coworking Office Space

A state of the art campus colored by the city’s rich history and architectural charm, WeWork’s North Wall Quay office space is truly a vanguard of business development in the region. This location boasts six floors of beautifully designed lounges, private offices, and conference rooms—plus a pet-friendly policy, onsite showers, and an inviting outdoor space that’s sure to elevate your everyday experience. Easily accessible with Spencer Dock and The Point Luas stop just a few minutes away, onsite parking and bike storage ensure a simple commute no matter where you’re coming from. To give your business the home it deserves, schedule your visit to WeWork’s Dublin Landings coworking space.

Què diu la gent

4.5 | 19 ressenyes de Google

John Lally
May 30, 2024
Good place to work
Dean And
November 19, 2023
Bonito sitio con espacios coworking. Perfecto para freelancers y startups
Sudha E Iyer
July 08, 2023
Very good set of options
Dori Sillo
April 20, 2023
As a WeWork member from another country, I spent a week in Dublin and tried both office locations. I must say that I preferred the Dublin Landings by far, mostly due to the lovely folks on the community team - they were very helpful figurin ... Continua llegint As a WeWork member from another country, I spent a week in Dublin and tried both office locations. I must say that I preferred the Dublin Landings by far, mostly due to the lovely folks on the community team - they were very helpful figuring out my access card issue, and in general really. Daphne in particular was super friendly and helpful. She shared a "welcome" email with me that had a few pages full of useful information about restaurants, hotels, transport, hairdressers, gyms, wework discounts; as well as a guide about the building itself - to know what to find where in the office, etc., who to ask for help. Thanks a lot!
Nick Hill
March 20, 2023
Modern, stylish and open professional work space with all the necessary amenities and tech you’ll need. Very well set up to provide a good working atmosphere.
Joanne Duffy
January 04, 2023
Needed a quiet spot to work for 2 days in Dublin so booked hot desking at a very reasonable price. Unlimited coffee, chilled filtered water, plenty of space to work and divine interiors. Spotlessly clean and lots of private sound-proof phon ... Continua llegint Needed a quiet spot to work for 2 days in Dublin so booked hot desking at a very reasonable price. Unlimited coffee, chilled filtered water, plenty of space to work and divine interiors. Spotlessly clean and lots of private sound-proof phone booths for calls. Can’t recommend it enough!
Tony Freegrove
December 21, 2022
Great space and facilities
Swarnalatha R
December 14, 2022
Convenient, well maintained
Naveen Raj
October 17, 2021
WeWork. Best place to build your business and to work together ❤
Jack James
August 12, 2020
Greatest co-working office space in Dublin.
Sheelagh OK
July 27, 2020
Very innovative and creative eco friendly workspaces.Pods available with full internet connectivity...in physical&virtual workspaces.Staff very friendly and supportive to assist in all matters.
noel “Noel Connolly” connolly
July 01, 2020
great staff. great place to work
Tushar Gawande
June 04, 2020
Amazing workplace! Best office I've worked in so far.
Ibrahim al-Kanani
November 21, 2018
Ross O'Neill
December 07, 2021
Decent space, lots of room, lighting, good coffee - support queries are tough to get managed but once you connect with the right people things move forward. Can be improved though.
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