Learn about how we’ve strengthened WeWork for the future and the conclusion of our strategic restructuring here.

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Espais i solucions disponibles

1 20+

Recomanat per a tu

Oficina privada

Espai de treball privat llest per traslladar-s'hi per a equips de qualsevol mida, amb els serveis compartits o privats que triïs. A més, hi ha opcions de tota la planta disponibles que t'ofereixen més privadesa i personalització.


Més informació sobre les oficines privades

Passi de dia

Reserva accés a espai de treball compartit o a oficina privada per a un dia. Més informació

  • Per a una persona sola i equips petits
  • Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè i te il·limitats i molt més
A partir de £25/dia*

*Més els impostos aplicables

Sales de reunions

Reserva sales de conferències per hores per a grups de totes les mides. Més informació

  • Per a grups petits i grans
  • Wi-Fi ràpid, eines audiovisuals per a conferències i molt més
A partir de £10/seient/hora*

*Més els impostos aplicables

Afiliació mensual: WeWork All Access

Accés a centenars d'espais de treball compartits a prop teu i arreu del món. Més informació


Treballa des de Més de 500 ubicacions


  • S'inclou 1 espai de treball compartit al dia
  • 5 crèdits inclosos per mes per reservar sales de reunions i oficines privades

*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables

Oficina privada

Selecciona la teva data de trasllat i capacitat per veure l'inventari.

Oficina de planta sencera

Amb opcions i serveis privats per a marques personals.

Oficina de planta sencera
Més de 50 persones Planta privada

Serveis professionals

Emmagatzematge de bicicletes Espai per a esdeveniments Espai exterior Amics dels gossos Dutxes Sala de benestar Personal in situ Cabines telefòniques

Més informació


Icon for emmagatzematge de bicicletes

Emmagatzematge de bicicletes

Icon for espai per a esdeveniments

Espai per a esdeveniments

Icon for espai exterior

Espai exterior

Icon for amics dels gossos

Amics dels gossos

Icon for dutxes


Icon for sala de benestar

Sala de benestar

Icon for personal in situ

Personal in situ

Icon for cabines telefòniques

Cabines telefòniques

Mostra tots els serveis


33 Queen St London, EC4R 1AP

Trànsit proper

  • Cannon Street Tube and Overground Station as well as Mansion House Station. The building is also walkable from Bank and Monument Station

Office Space & Coworking on Queen Street

Those looking for London office space fit for artists and financiers alike will feel right at home at WeWork Mansion House. This central city location enjoys all of the convenience of Cannon Street station and Mansion House station, with all of the hip vibes of the South Side. Large windows light up our five floors of coworking space, and our roof terrace features beautiful views of St. Paul’s Cathedral. A stone’s throw away from Millennium Bridge and the Southwark Bridge, and less than a 15 minute walk to the Tate Museum, WeWork Mansion House is surrounded by inspiration. After work, go for a stroll through the neighborhood’s quaint gardens, or head to one of the great pubs on Bow Lane or Cloak Lane. The community at WeWork Mansion House can’t wait to meet you.

Make Work a Treat at Our City of London Office Space

WeWork Mansion House is London office space that’s just as sweet as a candy store. Our concept here adds splashes of vibrant colors, creating a lively vibe that’ll give your team perfect bursts of energy. Our unique lounges, private offices, micro-roasted coffee, and weekly events are a huge draw—but that’s not all there is. WeWork Mansion House also boasts a rooftop terrace that’s perfect for one-on-ones or hosting an event. You’ll have sweeping views of St. Paul’s Cathedral and the rest of London’s South Side. Make WeWork Mansion House your new home.

Què diu la gent

4.3 | 37 ressenyes de Google

John R. Woodward
May 20, 2024
Fantastic office bases if you are a startup or a SME
Lil Flo
February 07, 2024
Perfect place to work. Nice and calm. Great area, close to station and to have lunch around.
Francis Gill
November 08, 2023
I have been a member of wework for nearly 10 years and has never had a community associate quite like Bhumi! Attentive and knowledgeable l, and always happy to help. 12/10. Would recommend
Waddah Laham
June 23, 2023
Jeffrey King
October 30, 2021
Duncan Reid
July 17, 2021
Great flexible work space
Araceli Gomez Castro
May 26, 2021
the best idea ever
Eva Maler
January 07, 2020
I have been hotdesking at WeWork for about 4 months and am still absolutely delighted at the experience. The facillities are. broght and clean, the wifi is always working, there are plenty of quiet places to work, the membership fee covers ... Continua llegint I have been hotdesking at WeWork for about 4 months and am still absolutely delighted at the experience. The facillities are. broght and clean, the wifi is always working, there are plenty of quiet places to work, the membership fee covers a lot of useful and/or fun extras. The best aspects is the wonderful community team who will go above and beyond reasonable expectation on a regular basis. Highly recommended.
Steve Wilcockson
May 01, 2019
Relaxed fun venue for work and meetup, my favourite Wework location at least.
Alex Miller
December 28, 2018
good place for doing together
CFC Thorsten Schuell Corp
November 16, 2018
Absolute spitze
Eran Brown
August 17, 2018
I like the fact these guys think of EVERYTHING, it's the attention to small details that impressed me. I don't work in a WeWork and visited them for the first time a short time ago. The facilities are extremely welcoming, well maintained an ... Continua llegint I like the fact these guys think of EVERYTHING, it's the attention to small details that impressed me. I don't work in a WeWork and visited them for the first time a short time ago. The facilities are extremely welcoming, well maintained and clean. The overall atmosphere was FUN.
June 20, 2018
Great view. Nice beers.
Stuart Caffyn
February 10, 2018
Simply brilliant environment
Ali Zaidi
February 01, 2018
Love my new office!
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