Learn about how we’ve strengthened WeWork for the future and the conclusion of our strategic restructuring here.

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Espais i solucions disponibles

1 20+

Recomanat per a tu

Oficina privada

Espai de treball privat llest per traslladar-s'hi per a equips de qualsevol mida, amb els serveis compartits o privats que triïs. A més, hi ha opcions de tota la planta disponibles que t'ofereixen més privadesa i personalització.


Més informació sobre les oficines privades

Passi de dia

Reserva accés a espai de treball compartit o a oficina privada per a un dia. Més informació

  • Per a una persona sola i equips petits
  • Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè i te il·limitats i molt més
A partir de $29/dia*

*Més els impostos aplicables

Sales de reunions

Reserva sales de conferències per hores per a grups de totes les mides. Més informació

  • Per a grups petits i grans
  • Wi-Fi ràpid, eines audiovisuals per a conferències i molt més
A partir de $8/seient/hora*

*Més els impostos aplicables

Afiliació mensual: WeWork All Access

Accés a centenars d'espais de treball compartits a prop teu i arreu del món. Més informació


Treballa des de Més de 500 ubicacions


  • S'inclou 1 espai de treball compartit al dia
  • 5 crèdits inclosos per mes per reservar sales de reunions i oficines privades

*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables

Taula dedicada

El teu escriptori en una oficina compartida. Condicions de compromís flexibles.

Oficina privada

Selecciona la teva data de trasllat i capacitat per veure l'inventari.

Oficina de planta sencera

Amb opcions i serveis privats per a marques personals.

Oficina de planta sencera
Més de 50 persones Planta privada

Serveis professionals

Sala de criança Amics dels gossos Aparcament Emmagatzematge de bicicletes Espai per a esdeveniments Jocs recreatius Sala de benestar Personal in situ

Més informació


Icon for sala de criança

Sala de criança

Icon for amics dels gossos

Amics dels gossos

Icon for aparcament


Icon for emmagatzematge de bicicletes

Emmagatzematge de bicicletes

Icon for espai per a esdeveniments

Espai per a esdeveniments

Icon for jocs recreatius

Jocs recreatius

Icon for sala de benestar

Sala de benestar

Icon for personal in situ

Personal in situ

Mostra tots els serveis


801 Barton Springs Austin, TX 78704

Trànsit proper

  • Parking available in attached garage for $5/hr ($20 max/day) or parking available across the street at the Palmer Event Center for $8/day.

  • I-35 (8 minutes away) | MoPac/Texas State Highway Loop 1 Expressway (5 minutes away)

  • 10, 110 lines at 500 S 1st/Barton Springs (4 minutes away) | 5, 19, 30, 110 at 400 S 1st/Riverside (4 minutes away)

  • B-cycle Station at 898 Barton Springs Rd (1 minute away)

Coworking Space in Austin

On the hunt for a Barton Springs office space that will keep you creatively inspired without sacrificing modern amenities? Just across the river from Downtown Austin, this location features four floors of beautifully designed workspace, collaborative lounge areas, and perks like micro-roasted coffee and supportive staff. With a central location close to some of the city’s best shopping and dining experiences in South Congress, entertaining clients and commemorating team wins is easy. Plus, capitalize on some of Austin’s best outdoor spots with Zilker Park, Auditorium Shores, and Barton Springs Pool all just a quick walk away. Whether you’re looking to stake out a solo spot or grow your existing team, find a perfect fit at our one-of-a-kind space in Barton Springs.

Què diu la gent

3.8 | 27 ressenyes de Google

Lauren Odderstol
January 18, 2024
This is one of my favorite WeWorks in the country. Kind staff, incredible views, great vibes, easy (paid) parking. I like the music they play (90s & indie)/don’t think it’s too loud (also - noise cancelling headphones work just fine). DoorD ... Continua llegint This is one of my favorite WeWorks in the country. Kind staff, incredible views, great vibes, easy (paid) parking. I like the music they play (90s & indie)/don’t think it’s too loud (also - noise cancelling headphones work just fine). DoorDash is easy if you want lunch or Terry Blacks is right down the street. Albeit, I’m at extrovert and work at WeWorks because having that energy is helpful. It does get loud if you take a meeting in a common space and everyone around is chatting or in meetings, but there are plenty of phone booths or other spaces to go to if you need to take a meeting.
Melissa Aden
July 28, 2023
Great office space for meetings.
Michelle Barner McKee, J.D.
May 26, 2022
Stephen M.
August 22, 2021
Now this I have truly been to unlike what Google's saying I've been to and the people there are very very professional and very sweet awesome environment be blessed.
Jim Hawthorne
August 08, 2021
Great place for work.
Oksana Day
August 02, 2021
Great place to be. It can be quite cold in common areas but I am happy to work here. Free coffee, tea, kombucha and the staff is so friendly!
Justin Anderson
May 05, 2021
Incredible location whether you have temporary work to accomplish solo or if you’re team/startup needs to hit the ground running. Incredible service and amenities!
Steve Finnegan
June 12, 2020
I can only share my experience with this location - we were tenants last year for about 4-5 months and things were typically what I would expect with such a large, shared environment. Where they really shined, though, is when I accidentally ... Continua llegint I can only share my experience with this location - we were tenants last year for about 4-5 months and things were typically what I would expect with such a large, shared environment. Where they really shined, though, is when I accidentally had several packages shipped to that address... despite not being a tenant they were very helpful in making sure that they held the packages until I could swing by to pick them up, saving me from what could have otherwise been a major catastrophe! Hannah's the best, she always was and continues to be super helpful. So thanks!!!
Awww Sam Norton
July 23, 2019
Loving people; with warm and open hearts joining together for one cause- which is to join in common goal to love and work with fellow like minded people. 💕
Joyce Carter
June 29, 2019
Great Location. Great area of town.
Donovan Bradley
June 11, 2019
Relaxing work environment. Good spaces, nice staff.
Paul O'Brien
January 30, 2019
The definitive workspace for Austin entreprenuers and events. This WeWork, of all in town, really finally offers an affordable workspace with access to a huge community, along with spacious event space that has views that distinguish Austi ... Continua llegint The definitive workspace for Austin entreprenuers and events. This WeWork, of all in town, really finally offers an affordable workspace with access to a huge community, along with spacious event space that has views that distinguish Austin. The skyline in the windows just makes this *the* spot for startup and community events that want to reflect on our great city. Can't praise highly enough, WeWork has been a boon to the city and in their support of entrepreneurs; this is the crown jewel.
Zack Matthews
November 21, 2018
Absolutely beautiful space. I would work here anytime I come to Austin. Beer, coffee and kombucha on tap. Everyone is super friendly.
Jesse Sampson
September 17, 2018
I love working at WeWork Barton Springs! The location is convenient to downtown without being north of the river. The view is spectacular and the team is all super attentive and friendly. We have noticed a much better energy at our company ... Continua llegint I love working at WeWork Barton Springs! The location is convenient to downtown without being north of the river. The view is spectacular and the team is all super attentive and friendly. We have noticed a much better energy at our company since moving here and the team's morale has been much improved by the space.
Nicholas Tys
August 10, 2018
Brand new, great city views, all the perks of a WeWork. Photos taken on 7th floor.
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