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Oficina privada

Espai de treball privat llest per traslladar-s'hi per a equips de qualsevol mida, amb els serveis compartits o privats que triïs. A més, hi ha opcions de tota la planta disponibles que t'ofereixen més privadesa i personalització.


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Treballa des de Més de 500 ubicacions


  • S'inclou 1 espai de treball compartit al dia
  • 5 crèdits inclosos per mes per reservar sales de reunions i oficines privades
  • Inclou la impressió de 120 fulls en blanc i negre i 20 fulls en color al mes

*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables

Oficina privada

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Oficina de planta sencera
Més de 50 persones Planta privada

Serveis professionals

Personal in situ Cabines telefòniques Impressores de primer nivell Serveis tecnològics Programació i esdeveniments professionals Àrees comunes úniques Sales de reunions

Més informació


Icon for personal in situ

Personal in situ

Icon for cabines telefòniques

Cabines telefòniques

Icon for impressores de primer nivell

Impressores de primer nivell

Icon for serveis tecnològics

Serveis tecnològics

Icon for programació i esdeveniments professionals

Programació i esdeveniments professionals

Icon for àrees comunes úniques

Àrees comunes úniques

Icon for sales de reunions

Sales de reunions

Mostra tots els serveis


DLF Forum DLF Cybercity, Phase III Gurugram, HR 122002

Trànsit proper

  • Indulnd Bank Rapid Metro Station (15 minute walk)

  • CyberHub parking onsite

Finding Office Space in DLF Cyber City

Located amid the country’s top finance and technology firms, WeWork’s coworking space in DLF Cyber City has everything your business needs to thrive. The entire seven-floor building is dedicated WeWork space, allowing you to move easily between our art-filled lounge areas, shared office space, sleek private offices, and refreshing outdoor area. Take advantage of our ample conference rooms for meeting with clients, or round up the team and head to our dedicated brainstorming area to kick off some new projects. Onsite parking and the nearby IndusInd Bank Rapid Metro station make commuting a breeze no matter where you’re coming from—or where you’re headed. After work, unwind at one of the many restaurants in the nearby Cyber Hub. Ready to put down roots in DLF Cyber City? Join WeWork today.

Què diu la gent

4.5 | 46 ressenyes de Google

Christopher Maelzer
May 26, 2024
Used to work here and it was great as well. So close to cyber hub for daily walks and talks post dinner or lunch made it an appealing location.
Yash Gambhir
May 05, 2024
The team here is really cooperative
Pranay Kumar
April 29, 2024
We managed, lively, good coffee. Definately good place to drive productivity.
Naman Chahal
March 26, 2024
Ac reair Gurgaon best service
Sushmita Behera
March 17, 2024
Nice Co-working space, it's just the people at the reception need to be more professional.
Deepesh nagpal
March 05, 2024
Thriving atmosphere for focused work! This co-working space offers a great balance of productivity and community. The space is clean, well-lit, and offers strong Wi-Fi. Plus, the friendly members and helpful staff make it a welcoming enviro ... Continua llegint Thriving atmosphere for focused work! This co-working space offers a great balance of productivity and community. The space is clean, well-lit, and offers strong Wi-Fi. Plus, the friendly members and helpful staff make it a welcoming environment. Perfect for freelancers and remote workers seeking a professional yet collaborative workspace.
Nitesh Gupta
February 10, 2024
🏢 WeWork Forum, Gurgaon: A Productive Haven for Professionals 🏢 Working at WeWork Forum in Gurgaon has been an absolute delight. The space boasts modern amenities, comfortable workspaces, and a vibrant community atmosphere that fosters c ... Continua llegint 🏢 WeWork Forum, Gurgaon: A Productive Haven for Professionals 🏢 Working at WeWork Forum in Gurgaon has been an absolute delight. The space boasts modern amenities, comfortable workspaces, and a vibrant community atmosphere that fosters collaboration and creativity. From the moment I stepped in, I felt inspired by the sleek design and energetic vibe of the coworking environment. Being a part of the Payoneer community within WeWork Forum has been particularly rewarding. The networking opportunities and events organized by both Payoneer and WeWork have helped me forge valuable connections and expand my professional network. It's not just a place to work; it's a community where support and encouragement are always at hand. Moreover, the central location in Gurgaon makes it convenient for meetings, dining options, and commuting. Whether I need to focus on a project or engage with fellow professionals, WeWork Forum provides the perfect setting for productivity and growth. Overall, my experience at WeWork Forum has exceeded expectations, and I look forward to continuing to thrive in this dynamic workspace.
Rahul Maurya
February 06, 2024
World class infrastructure. Loved our team session here
Tushar Rana
December 26, 2023
Amazing place with such a great ambiance and amazing staff one of the best place to work.
Nakesh Yadav
November 09, 2023
Best work place for the day pass holder. All the staff's are to good and helpful.
navnit kumar
October 29, 2023
Corporate office
जनार्दन चौधरी
October 21, 2023
स्वर्ग का एहसास धरती पर ही हो जाता है यहां आने पर
October 13, 2023
Anik Sah
October 11, 2023
Best place to work fr me.
Karan Bagai
October 04, 2023
Good co-working space by DLF
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