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Espais i solucions disponibles

1 20+

Recomanat per a tu

Oficina privada

Espai de treball privat llest per traslladar-s'hi per a equips de qualsevol mida, amb els serveis compartits o privats que triïs. A més, hi ha opcions de tota la planta disponibles que t'ofereixen més privadesa i personalització.


Més informació sobre les oficines privades

Passi de dia

Reserva accés a espai de treball compartit o a oficina privada per a un dia. Més informació

  • Per a una persona sola i equips petits
  • Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè i te il·limitats i molt més
A partir de $29/dia*

*Més els impostos aplicables

Sales de reunions

Reserva sales de conferències per hores per a grups de totes les mides. Més informació

  • Per a grups petits i grans
  • Wi-Fi ràpid, eines audiovisuals per a conferències i molt més
A partir de $8/seient/hora*

*Més els impostos aplicables

Afiliació mensual: WeWork All Access

Accés a centenars d'espais de treball compartits a prop teu i arreu del món. Més informació


Treballa des de Més de 500 ubicacions


  • S'inclou 1 espai de treball compartit al dia
  • 5 crèdits inclosos per mes per reservar sales de reunions i oficines privades

*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables

Oficina privada

Selecciona la teva data de trasllat i capacitat per veure l'inventari.

Oficina de planta sencera

Amb opcions i serveis privats per a marques personals.

Oficina de planta sencera
Més de 50 persones Planta privada

Serveis professionals

Sala de criança Amics dels gossos Emmagatzematge de bicicletes Punt de recàrrega de vehicles elèctrics Gimnàs Menjador Espai exterior Jocs recreatius

Més informació


Icon for sala de criança

Sala de criança

Icon for amics dels gossos

Amics dels gossos

Icon for emmagatzematge de bicicletes

Emmagatzematge de bicicletes

Icon for punt de recàrrega de vehicles elèctrics

Punt de recàrrega de vehicles elèctrics

Icon for gimnàs


Icon for menjador


Icon for espai exterior

Espai exterior

Icon for jocs recreatius

Jocs recreatius

Mostra tots els serveis


1422 S Tryon Street Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28203

Trànsit proper

  • 501 at Bland St Station (1 block away)

  • Highway 227 (1 mile away)

  • 16 at Tryon St & Bland St (3 blocks away)

  • B-Cycle at Camden Rd (4 blocks away)

Finding Office Space in The RailYard, Charlotte

WeWork’s coworking space at The RailYard puts you at the heart of Charlotte’s business sector. Two floors of this eight-story building are dedicated to WeWork, boasting bright and airy lounges, art-filled conference rooms, and sleek private offices. Beautiful design and custom art pay homage to Charlotte’s rail history; all-inclusive amenities keep your team moving forward. Plus, commuting is simple with Bland Street Station a block away, and the city center within walking distance. Professionals in technology, business services, design, and the arts descend upon The RailYard daily—and WeWork’s office space helps them grow and thrive. Schedule a visit today for this location opening August 2019.

Què diu la gent

3.5 | 10 ressenyes de Google

Hap Hapner
November 29, 2023
Great space to have meetings. Parking was easy and food was very accessible.
Vince Jensen
April 11, 2022
Really neat place to work right in the middle of south end!
Joshua Flemings
July 07, 2021
Question not a review: Does anyone know the parking situation here?
Samuel McNeil
February 27, 2020
. Excellent coworking place. Can park on the street [free] or in the building, parking was easy and convenient. .
keith epperson
May 17, 2024
Great workspace for 1 or a group. Free coffee and other drinks. Conference rooms have video, the huddle rooms are quiet. Only knock was we got one key card for a group of 8 to get in and out of the space which was quite inconvenient
September 13, 2021
Nice office with coffee and kombucha available. Difficult to gain access to the actual office location, overall check-in process was very slow and too complicated. I’ve been to 3 coworking spaces over the past 3 days and wework was the leas ... Continua llegint Nice office with coffee and kombucha available. Difficult to gain access to the actual office location, overall check-in process was very slow and too complicated. I’ve been to 3 coworking spaces over the past 3 days and wework was the least convenient and most expensive option.
Tam Ayers
November 12, 2019
Building access was tough and hard to enter from the parking garage. Seems to be park for the course for WeWork locations in the Charlotte area. As a global access member, it is tough to get from floor to floor with your keycard. Much rathe ... Continua llegint Building access was tough and hard to enter from the parking garage. Seems to be park for the course for WeWork locations in the Charlotte area. As a global access member, it is tough to get from floor to floor with your keycard. Much rather leverage the College St location in the regions bank.
Mike Elam
June 02, 2023
Terrible process and on site is not helpful. Absolutely see why they are failing. My advice is Regis or any other location including work from home before this scam. Regional manager is drippy nice, but not genuine. Run folks run.
Ross Blank
March 28, 2023
The customer service from the receptionists? Below acceptable, 0 for 3 visits so far. Of the 3 times I've visited, not once have I felt welcome. Staff is short of rude, but cold and give the impression you're annoying them by asking questio ... Continua llegint The customer service from the receptionists? Below acceptable, 0 for 3 visits so far. Of the 3 times I've visited, not once have I felt welcome. Staff is short of rude, but cold and give the impression you're annoying them by asking questions or for help. Internet access is worse than my home setup. Chairs are almost comfortable for 3-4 hours - 8 hour comfort not available. Parking is $30 at the building or $10 outside, but only available in 6 hour increments. The bathrooms are clean. Rhino market downstairs is great and friendly. The nitro coffee, that, that is really good. These positives are not enough to overcome the negatives though. I will be encouraging my company to opt for any other workspace.
Savvy Siren
March 04, 2020
I delivered an extremely heavy, large order to this WeWork location. No tip. The gall. Shameful treatment of service workers for a corporation with such exorbitant membership fees and "great" reviews otherwise.
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