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Common Area
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177 E Colorado Blvd
Known for its rich history and Southern California charm, Old Town Pasadena is the perfect setting for this Los Angeles coworking space. Occupying the second and third floors of one of the area’s tallest buildings, this space treats you to stunning mountain views and lots of natural light. Sitting on the bustling commercial strip, WeWork Pasadena is steps away from many bars and restaurants and some of the area’s best shopping. If you’re looking to step out and enjoy the weather, Pasadena Memorial Park is just a few blocks away and hosts free concerts throughout the summer. Your commute is made easy with The Metro Gold Line a stone’s throw away and plenty of parking in the adjacent building. The location is stellar, and the community is as rich and vibrant as Old Town itself. Set up a tour and reinvigorate your workday.
Sobre 177 E Colorado Blvd
Known for its rich history and Southern California charm, Old Town Pasadena is the perfect setting for this Los Angeles coworking space. Occupying the second and third floors of one of the area’s tallest buildings, this space treats you to stunning mountain views and lots of natural light. Sitting on the bustling commercial strip, WeWork Pasadena is steps away from many bars and restaurants and some of the area’s best shopping. If you’re looking to step out and enjoy the weather, Pasadena Memorial Park is just a few blocks away and hosts free concerts throughout the summer. Your commute is made easy with The Metro Gold Line a stone’s throw away and plenty of parking in the adjacent building. The location is stellar, and the community is as rich and vibrant as Old Town itself. Set up a tour and reinvigorate your workday.
Punts destacats
- Espais WeWork 49.532 peus quadrats
- Horari ampliat Sí
Serveis tecnològics
Sales de reunions
Personal in situ
Àrees comunes úniques
Cabines telefòniques
Impressores de primer nivell
Serveis estàndard de WeWork
Serveis tecnològics
Connecta't amb cable a Ethernet o a un Wi-Fi segur, amb assistència de TI i funcionalitat d'inici de sessió de convidat incloses. També hi ha serveis tecnològics opcionals per millorar el rendiment i la seguretat de la teva xarxa (no cal cap despesa de capital). S'apliquen costos addicionals.
Sales de reunions
Aquestes sales versàtils es poden configurar per permetre que els equips s'hi trobin, hi facin reunions, videoconferències o presentacions de manera virtual o presencial.
Personal in situ
Amb anys d'experiència operativa i basada en el sector terciari, el nostre equip de la comunitat és a l'oficina per ajudar-te amb tot el que necessitis perquè tot vagi com una seda.
Àrees comunes úniques
El cor de les nostres ubicacions, aquestes sales són espais que recorden una sala d'estar i han estat dissenyades per impulsar la creativitat, la comoditat i la productivitat.
Cabines telefòniques
Les cabines telefòniques et proporcionen un espai tranquil per fer trucades telefòniques privades, participar en videotrucades breus o simplement per fer un petit descans sense distraccions.
Impressores de primer nivell
Tots els edificis inclouen un espai designat equipat amb una impressora, subministraments d'oficina i trituradora de paper de primer nivell.
Programació i esdeveniments professionals
El nostre equip de la comunitat organitza sovint esdeveniments com ara networking o dina i aprèn, entre d'altres, i altres activitats divertides per afegir entreteniment al dia a dia.
No s'inclou
Amics dels gossos
Espai exterior
Emmagatzematge de bicicletes
Sala per a progenitors
Sala de benestar
Espai per a esdeveniments
Suite de producció
Punt de recàrrega de vehicles elèctrics
Espais d'oficina a 177 E Colorado Blvd
Oficina privada
Oficina privada
Oficina amb serveis privats o compartits preparada per traslladar-s'hi
- Gestió de correu i paquets
- Per a equips de 1-100+
- Afiliació mensual o anual
A partir de $250/escriptori/mes*
*Més impostos i tarifes. Els preus inclouen ofertes promocionals.
Oficina de planta sencera
Gran espai d'oficina de planta completa per llogar, perfecte per a equips grans.
- Per a equips de 50+
- Planta privada
Espai de treball per dies
Passi de dia
Espais de treball compartits o oficines privades de pagament per ús reservats per dies
- Per a una persona sola i equips petits
- Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè i te il·limitats i molt més
A partir de $29/dia*
*Més impostos i preus aplicables que varien segons la ubicació
Sales de reunions
Sales de reunions de pagament per ús reservades per hores
- Per a grups petits i grans
- Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè i te il·limitats i molt més
A partir de $8/seient/hora*
*Més impostos i preus aplicables que varien segons la ubicació
Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
Taula dedicada
El teu escriptori en una oficina compartida. Condicions de compromís flexibles.
- Capacitat per a 1 persona
- Gestió de correu i paquets
WeWork All Access Plus
Més popularAfiliació mensual a espais de treball compartits a prop teu i arreu del món en Més de 450 ubicacions
- 1 reserva d'espai de treball compartit al dia
- 5 crèdits inclosos per mes per reservar sales de reunions i oficines privades
Més popular
A partir de $299/mes$240/mes per a un plan de 12 mesos*
*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables
WeWork All Access Basic
Afiliació mensual a espais de treball compartits a prop teu i arreu del món en Més de 150 ubicacions
- 1 reserva d'espai de treball compartit al dia
- 2 crèdits inclosos per mes per reservar sales de reunions i oficines privades
A partir de $199/mes$160/mes per a un plan de 12 mesos*
*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables
Solucions addicionals
WeWork Business Address
Adreça professional amb gestió de correu i paqueteria.
- Servei d'oficina virtual
- Gestió de correu i paqueteria amb l'opció d'afegir el complement de reenviament de correu**
**El complement de reenviament de correus està subjecte a suplements mensuals addicionals, tarifes d'enviament dels missatgers de tercers i una quota de serveis.
A partir de $119/mes$102/mes per a un plan de 24 mesos*
*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables
**El complement de reenviament de correus està subjecte a suplements mensuals addicionals, tarifes d'enviament dels missatgers de tercers i una quota de serveis.
Espais per a esdeveniments
Espais totalment equipats per al teu proper esdeveniment, activitat fora de les instal·lacions o rodatge.
Disponibilitat de taules dedicades
- Gaudeix de Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè il·limitat, equip in situ i molt més
- Completament moblada
- Gestió de correu i paquets
Disponibilitat d'oficines privades
- Gaudeix de Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè il·limitat, equip in situ i molt més
- Completament moblada
- Gestió de correu i paquets
Recomanat per a tu
Oficina privada
Espai de treball privat llest per traslladar-s'hi per a equips de qualsevol mida, amb els serveis compartits o privats que triïs. A més, hi ha opcions de tota la planta disponibles que t'ofereixen més privadesa i personalització.
177 E Colorado Blvd Pasadena, CA 91105
Our designs at WeWork Pasadena are inspired by two neighboring elements: the natural beauty of the San Gabriel Mountains and the innovation of Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. We bring the outdoors into the shared work space through an abundance of natural materials and greenery, giving a serene sense of natural harmony. Mixed in with these living objects, is a Space Age vibe of smart infographics and out of this world art to help catalyze your next big idea. On top of WeWork’s hallmark amenities—fruit water, endless coffee, onsite staff, and support from Community Managers—the pet-friendly building offers frequent happy hours, lots of wellness activities, and in-building access to a yoga studio. Needless to say, WeWork Pasadena is exactly where you want to be to take your business to the next level.
Detalls del trànsit proper
Our designs at WeWork Pasadena are inspired by two neighboring elements: the natural beauty of the San Gabriel Mountains and the innovation of Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. We bring the outdoors into the shared work space through an abundance of natural materials and greenery, giving a serene sense of natural harmony. Mixed in with these living objects, is a Space Age vibe of smart infographics and out of this world art to help catalyze your next big idea. On top of WeWork’s hallmark amenities—fruit water, endless coffee, onsite staff, and support from Community Managers—the pet-friendly building offers frequent happy hours, lots of wellness activities, and in-building access to a yoga studio. Needless to say, WeWork Pasadena is exactly where you want to be to take your business to the next level.
Vista general per passejar i viatjar
Walker's Paradise
98 / 100
Excellent Transit
73 / 100
Very Bikeable
76 / 100
Powered by Walk Score ®
Trànsit proper
- Metro Gold Line - Memorial Park Station
- Attached Parking Structure ($5 every 30 minutes with a $15 daily maximum, $146 per month)
- 110 and the 134/210
- #10 Bus - Colorado Blvd & Marengo Ave
- Storage available in the attached parking structure on the 8th floor. There are also public bike stations in Pasadena Memorial Park
Calcula el desplaçament a la feina
Calcula els desplaçaments a la feina amb cotxe, bicicleta o a peu, si estan disponibles.
Commute calculator powered by Walk Score® Travel Time
Què diu la gent
Marc Gutierrez
November 16, 2024
Adam K
January 05, 2024
Kathryn Langeder
April 25, 2023
Kathy O'Connell
April 19, 2023
46 ressenyes
Marc Gutierrez
November 16, 2024
I had an amazing experience thanks to Lindsey and Debbie! Their service was absolutely top-notch. They were friendly, attentive, and went above and beyond to ensure everything was perfect. It’s rare to find such genuine and professional people who truly care about their customers. I can’t recommend them highly enough—5 stars all the way!
Adam K
January 05, 2024
Great place to get work done. Amazing staff friendly people. Great coffee. Cool offices.
Kathryn Langeder
April 25, 2023
Staff here are so thoughtful and always ready to help (thanks for all you do, Lindsey and Payton!). The kitchen is always clean and well-stocked. The bathrooms offer better-than-average privacy and products. The food/treats have been life-saving at times. I'd have starved otherwise. Furniture is stylish, and the location in the heart of Old Town Pas -- with easy, reasonably priced garage parking -- just cannot be beat. I'm a very satisfied we-worker.
Kathy O'Connell
April 19, 2023
This is a lovely space to work and the staff is outstanding! Dog friendly!
Dan Askenaizer
April 13, 2023
I've worked at the WeWork Pasadena location for about 9 months. I've enjoyed working here, the facilities are very good; kitchen area, conference rooms and offices are kept clean and well maintained, staff are very helpful...it is a great location - walk out the front door and you are in Old Pasadena.
Rich Enderlin
April 11, 2023
I am now in my 5th year here at the Pasadena WeWorks and it continues to be a fabulous place to conduct business. The staff is ridiculously friendly, the common areas are spotlessly clean and the coffee is fresh and delicious every day. And we never get tired of getting e-mails telling us there are doughnuts or pizza or snacks or margaritas to come on down and enjoy them. Just a great overall envirnment!
Lindsay Pond
April 11, 2023
Great view of the San Gabriels from this office! The vibe is very relaxed, and I definitely focus better when I am here versus at home.
Karine Aslanian
March 23, 2023
Loved working out if this space.
Lawrence Thai
August 05, 2021
Came here to work with another friend and it was a really great experience. The space was nice and open, with enough room to distance from others. There were conference rooms if you really wanted to stay away from others. The amenities were great and it felt like you were at a really comfy workspace or at home. Lets start off with the location. Getting to the WeWork was kind of a mess. You can't see the sign from any angle of the building, except in the front so at that point I had to assume I was going to the right place. I parked in the parking garage right behind it and it was a bit pricey for parking but, which was a hefty $15 for staying for around a whole day. I parked on what seemed to be the 6th floor, which lead to the first floor of the building. WeWork is just on the second floor which was an elevator ride away. Walking into the WeWork was like walking into a beautiful office for the first time. You are just taking everything in, looking at how beautiful and aesthetic the place is and of course, being greeted by nice people check you in. Once we were checked in, we went to the conference room that we reserved and went to check out the kitchen. The kitchen is fully functional, with essential appliances, like a stove, microwave, several fridges, and some complimentary cold brew and seltzer. The "main" room, which I assume is kinda like the first come first serve room where anyone can sit, was nice and spacious and there were several couches, independents desks, a bar, as well as other sets of benches and tables. I wasn't able to look at the entire floor, but I believe those were for other patrons of businesses renting out larger sections of the officespaces. Overall, I had a great time here. It was a change of pace for my work from home set up and the customer service was great. Although there isn't a view since youre only on the second floor, the space itself was already breathtaking enough. I would definitely come back because of how comfortable I felt there and how close it is to other lunch and coffee places in case your tired of the cold brew.
Derek Lee
July 20, 2021
More comfortable than other weworks I've been to - friendly staff, stocked amenities, clean and safe.
jesse p
June 21, 2021
Good people Thank you
Myles Tennell
April 13, 2021
Great alternative to my “wfh” nightmare! The staff is all really great here. Forgot my keycard twice and Dom at the front desk gladly helped me both times thanks again dude! The space is very clean and inviting. It’s been great to kind of work “in-between” the old office and my dark bedroom desk. If you need a change of scenery this is the spot!
Melissa Mateo
April 09, 2021
The WeWork space is in a prime location in Pasadena. They have a wonderful staff: Dominic, Heran, and Laney, whom all have been so accommodating with me. Everyone has such a great attitude. I send my highest regards to them, they know how to get things done in an efficient and timely manner. I have had such a pleasant experience here and it gives me a space to be productive. The space holds a large enough common area that's clean and peaceful with beautiful views. Definitely check out this location!
Izzy Nawaz
April 09, 2021
aWEsome place to WORK at :3
Christian Cruz
April 08, 2021
Cool place to drink beer and work on stuff. I also needed a place to escape the wife.
Explora edificis propers
6.3 milles
611 North Brand Boulevard
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
9.9 milles
1150 S Olive St
Los Angeles
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
13.3 milles
5161 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
14.2 milles
Pacific Design Center - Red Building
Los Angeles
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
16.7 milles
Constellation Place
Los Angeles
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
16.8 milles
One Culver
Culver City
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
18.8 milles
12130 Millennium Drive
Los Angeles
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
21.2 milles
222 Pacific Coast Hwy
El Segundo
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
21.7 milles
520 Broadway
Santa Monica
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
22 milles
312 Arizona Ave
Santa Monica
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
- Totes les ubicacions
- Estats Units
- Los Angeles
- Pasadena
- 177 E Colorado Blvd