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5 Harcourt Road

Discover WeWork 5 Harcourt, offering four floors of flexible workspace and floor-to-ceiling windows flooding the building with natural light. There are a variety of space types for businessess of all sizes, including coworking areas and private offices, sociable shared lounges and bookable meeting rooms. Our members can enjoy a variety of amenities including complimentary coffee at our barista, recreational games and a wellness space. The building is ideally located within walking distance of St Stephen’s Green and has a range of food and beverage destinations on the doorstep. There are also a number of public transport links nearby including LUAS Green Line, Dublin bikes and public bus routes. Meanwhile cycle and shower facilities are available within the building, preparing you for an active commute.


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Amics dels gossos

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Emmagatzematge de bicicletes

Icon for sala de benestar

Sala de benestar

Icon for espai per a esdeveniments

Espai per a esdeveniments

Icon for dutxes


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Espais d'oficina a 5 Harcourt Road

Oficina privada

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5 Harcourt Road Dublin, Ireland D02 FW64

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