T'interessa aquesta ubicació?

Common Area
Common Area
Conference Room
Conference Room
T'interessa aquesta ubicació?
Som aquí per ajudar-te.
Constellation Place
In the heart of the LA microcosm that is Century City, WeWork offers two floors of beautifully designed office space in a 35-story glass tower. Right across the street is the revamped Westfield Mall, an upscale shopping, dining, and entertainment hub that’s home to Italian food emporium Eataly, Taiwanese fine dining establishment Din Tai Fung, and a VR entertainment center. The mall also has an outdoor event space, which hosts concerts and shows—perfect for team outings or client meetings. For a central LA workspace that redefines a serviced office, look no further than our WeWork location in Century City.
Sobre Constellation Place
In the heart of the LA microcosm that is Century City, WeWork offers two floors of beautifully designed office space in a 35-story glass tower. Right across the street is the revamped Westfield Mall, an upscale shopping, dining, and entertainment hub that’s home to Italian food emporium Eataly, Taiwanese fine dining establishment Din Tai Fung, and a VR entertainment center. The mall also has an outdoor event space, which hosts concerts and shows—perfect for team outings or client meetings. For a central LA workspace that redefines a serviced office, look no further than our WeWork location in Century City.
Punts destacats
- Espais WeWork 50.829 peus quadrats
- Horari ampliat Sí
Espai exterior
Emmagatzematge de bicicletes
Sala per a progenitors
Sala de benestar
Espai per a esdeveniments
Les singularitats d'aquest edifici
Espai exterior
Des de balcons fins a terrats, els nostres espais a l'aire lliure són espais cuidats ideals per prendre un cafè, fer ioga, dinar o celebrar-hi reunions individuals.
Emmagatzematge de bicicletes
Zona d'aparcament de bicis perquè la teva preciositat de dues rodes estigui segura dins de l'edifici.
Sala per a progenitors
Un espai privat que pot tancar-se amb clau, segur i còmode dissenyat expressament per als nous progenitors, equipat amb una nevera i una pica per cobrir qualsevol necessitat.
Sala de benestar
Tant si ets una mare lactant, como si necessites resar o meditar, pots gaudir d'aquesta sala tranquil·la amb pany.
Espai per a esdeveniments
Amb sistemes de so i controls d'il·luminació, les sales es poden modificar per a les reunions dels membres. WeWork també organitza esdeveniments virtuals per mantenir la connexió de la nostra comunitat.
Les persones que venen amb bicicleta a treballar o que gaudeixen practicant esport al dematí poden refrescar-se fàcilment amb les dutxes de la ubicació.
Jocs recreatius
De vegades, l'única manera de ser productius és fer una pausa i jugar.
Punt de recàrrega de vehicles elèctrics
Tu cuides el medi ambient, nosaltres et cuidem a tu. Connecta el teu vehicle elèctric als nostres punts de recàrrega mentre treballes.
Serveis estàndard de WeWork
Serveis tecnològics
Connecta't amb cable a Ethernet o a un Wi-Fi segur, amb assistència de TI i funcionalitat d'inici de sessió de convidat incloses. També hi ha serveis tecnològics opcionals per millorar el rendiment i la seguretat de la teva xarxa (no cal cap despesa de capital). S'apliquen costos addicionals.
Sales de reunions
Aquestes sales versàtils es poden configurar per permetre que els equips s'hi trobin, hi facin reunions, videoconferències o presentacions de manera virtual o presencial.
Personal in situ
Amb anys d'experiència operativa i basada en el sector terciari, el nostre equip de la comunitat és a l'oficina per ajudar-te amb tot el que necessitis perquè tot vagi com una seda.
Àrees comunes úniques
El cor de les nostres ubicacions, aquestes sales són espais que recorden una sala d'estar i han estat dissenyades per impulsar la creativitat, la comoditat i la productivitat.
Cabines telefòniques
Les cabines telefòniques et proporcionen un espai tranquil per fer trucades telefòniques privades, participar en videotrucades breus o simplement per fer un petit descans sense distraccions.
Impressores de primer nivell
Tots els edificis inclouen un espai designat equipat amb una impressora, subministraments d'oficina i trituradora de paper de primer nivell.
Programació i esdeveniments professionals
El nostre equip de la comunitat organitza sovint esdeveniments com ara networking o dina i aprèn, entre d'altres, i altres activitats divertides per afegir entreteniment al dia a dia.
No s'inclou
Amics dels gossos
Suite de producció
Espais d'oficina a Constellation Place
Espai de treball per dies
Passi de dia
Espais de treball compartits o oficines privades de pagament per ús reservats per dies
- Per a una persona sola i equips petits
- Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè i te il·limitats i molt més
A partir de $39/dia*
*Més impostos i preus aplicables que varien segons la ubicació
Sales de reunions
Sales de reunions de pagament per ús reservades per hores
- Per a grups petits i grans
- Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè i te il·limitats i molt més
A partir de $8/seient/hora*
*Més impostos i preus aplicables que varien segons la ubicació
Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
Taula dedicada
El teu escriptori en una oficina compartida. Condicions de compromís flexibles.
- Capacitat per a 1 persona
- Gestió de correu i paquets
WeWork All Access Plus
Afiliació mensual a espais de treball compartits a prop teu i arreu del món en Més de 450 ubicacions
- 1 reserva d'espai de treball compartit al dia
- 5 crèdits inclosos per mes per reservar sales de reunions i oficines privades
A partir de $299/mes$240/mes per a un plan de 12 mesos*
*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables
Oficina privada
Oficina privada
Oficina amb serveis privats o compartits preparada per traslladar-s'hi
- Gestió de correu i paquets
- Per a equips de 1-100+
- Afiliació mensual o anual
A partir de $560/escriptori/mes*
*Més impostos i tarifes. Els preus inclouen ofertes promocionals.
Oficina de planta sencera
Gran espai d'oficina de planta completa per llogar, perfecte per a equips grans.
- Per a equips de 50+
- Planta privada
Solucions addicionals
WeWork Business Address
Adreça professional amb gestió de correu i paqueteria.
- Servei d'oficina virtual
- Gestió de correu i paqueteria amb l'opció d'afegir el complement de reenviament de correu**
**El complement de reenviament de correus està subjecte a suplements mensuals addicionals, tarifes d'enviament dels missatgers de tercers i una quota de serveis.
A partir de $149/mes$127/mes per a un plan de 24 mesos*
*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables
**El complement de reenviament de correus està subjecte a suplements mensuals addicionals, tarifes d'enviament dels missatgers de tercers i una quota de serveis.
Espais per a esdeveniments
Espais totalment equipats per al teu proper esdeveniment, activitat fora de les instal·lacions o rodatge.
Disponibilitat de taules dedicades
- Gaudeix de Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè il·limitat, equip in situ i molt més
- Completament moblada
- Gestió de correu i paquets
Disponibilitat d'oficines privades
- Gaudeix de Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè il·limitat, equip in situ i molt més
- Completament moblada
- Gestió de correu i paquets
Recomanat per a tu
Oficina privada
Espai de treball privat llest per traslladar-s'hi per a equips de qualsevol mida, amb els serveis compartits o privats que triïs. A més, hi ha opcions de tota la planta disponibles que t'ofereixen més privadesa i personalització.
10250 Constellation Blvd #2300 Los Angeles, California 90067
While designing this WeWork location, our teams tapped into the spirit of creativity to transform MGM’s former corporate headquarters into a workspace your business will love. From murals by local artists to happy plants and plush furniture, each space is built to inspire and motivate. Sad to leave your furry friends at home? Find a workspace that infuses creativity and energy into your workday at WeWork.
Detalls del trànsit proper
While designing this WeWork location, our teams tapped into the spirit of creativity to transform MGM’s former corporate headquarters into a workspace your business will love. From murals by local artists to happy plants and plush furniture, each space is built to inspire and motivate. Sad to leave your furry friends at home? Find a workspace that infuses creativity and energy into your workday at WeWork.
Vista general per passejar i viatjar
Walker's Paradise
94 / 100
Good Transit
59 / 100
50 / 100
Powered by Walk Score ®
Trànsit proper
- On-site Parking ($40.00/Day)
- Santa Monica Blvd, near the 405 and not far from the 10.
- The 4 bus line.
- Bike Rack (located in parking garage)
Calcula el desplaçament a la feina
Calcula els desplaçaments a la feina amb cotxe, bicicleta o a peu, si estan disponibles.
Commute calculator powered by Walk Score® Travel Time
Què diu la gent
Tabitha Butler
May 24, 2024
Cierra McLaurin
June 22, 2023
Raegan Brown
June 22, 2023
Myia S
June 21, 2023
35 ressenyes
Tabitha Butler
May 24, 2024
One of the most stunning offices I’ve ever been to! You’ll find gorgeous views, plentiful amenities, & thoughtful staff like Arielle & Mads going above and beyond to make the space as lovely as possible.
Cierra McLaurin
June 22, 2023
Loved the work space. Nicely decorated, cute aesthetic. Paige was also super sweet and helpful during my first visit. She really added to the overall great vibe and experience. Would highly recommend.
Raegan Brown
June 22, 2023
I had a fantastic experience at WeWork! It’s a great co-working space that offers a vibrant and productive environment. Paige, one of the staff members, was incredibly helpful and kind throughout my time there. Her assistance made a positive impact on my workday. I highly recommend WeWork for anyone seeking a collaborative and supportive workspace.
Myia S
June 21, 2023
Good location near the Westfield Mall. I've come to this place a few times and the staff has always been professional and friendly. At the front desk Paige has gone above and beyond to help me with my various needs. I've had the luck to stumble across days when they have events like a screening, and it's appreciated. The space itself is good vibes, always clean. I do wish parking had better options but overall a solid coworking space!
Felipe Cazares
June 21, 2023
I really enjoyed the space and the view it had to offer. Everyone was so kind, courteous and professional. The space itself is beautiful and ample. Though it was just 1 day, working from this location was amazing and comfortable. Didn't feel like an office but a home office. Paige was really warm and helpful in answering my questions. 10/10
Luzmila Gomez
June 20, 2023
I've worked from a couple of WeWork locations just because I was trying them out, but I have to say this one was by far my favorite. The space was beautiful, it had amazing views, the other people were nice, and I just loved the location and all the things I can do during my breaks. I think the WeWork employees were professional and were always willing to help. I especially liked the warmth and welcoming energy coming from Paige. I would give it 10 stars if I could :)
Raina Virginia
May 26, 2022
I work as a full-time freelancer so having a space to be productive and have all my needs met is the perfect way to mix up my week. There’s a perfect variety of community spaces and private depending on what’s on my calendar. The space is lovely, the amenities are above and beyond, and the front desk staff is so fun, kind, and helpful. All around, great!
Xenia Ermakova
April 20, 2022
What a beautiful location! The staff is always friendly, many cool activities for the community members including private movie screenings ;) if you have a chance, visit the 23d floor, the view is stunning
Jennifer Herasme
October 12, 2021
Nice and clean. Cool place to have some peace to work.
Matthew Khalili
June 09, 2021
Amazing staff and location. Love Alexander and the whole team. They take really great care of us!
Joe Cayetano
June 08, 2021
This is one of the best WeWork locations I've ever worked in and I worked in many (Hollywood, Playa, NYC, Queens, and Orange County). And I've worked in many co-working spaces before but this particular WeWork has so much going for it. First of all, the location is the absolute bee's knees. It's right next to the Westfield Shopping Center, and they have plenty of places to enjoy your lunch at. Shake Shack, Din Tai Fung, and even a Cinnabon. There's so much to enjoy but please enjoy in moderation. I enjoyed too much and gained ten pounds, but that's my own personal battle. As for the facilities, the public kitchen area is always clean and full of supplies. The refrigerator is always running, the dishes are always clean, and the coffee is always hot. And boy, I consume a lot of coffee. And the bathrooms - They are always clean as well and the toilets & sinks are always functioning right. And let me tell you, I do some of my best work on the toilet....it's quiet there and I can run the numbers on my smartphone. As for the offices, it is a co-working space, thus it's a different experience from a normal office. One should always understand this before moving to a WeWork, Industrious, or CTRL Collective. It is a unique, frenetic, and energetic experience. And WeWork adds to this spirit with their enthusiastic staff and the great tunes playing in the background. I'm making a request for more K-Pop please. It certainly is not Ibiza in this WeWork, every company and startup in here is very respectful of one another and treat the working space like study hall. The staff here is friendly and helpful. And now that things are opening up more (It's June 2021 now), they're beginning to plan more networking events. They helped me out when I have questions regarding safety, mailing protocols, and even helped with my golf swing. In conclusion, I've worked in startups for many, many years. I'm also in finance, and I'm neck deep in cryptocurrency. Myself and many like me are under a lot of pressure trying to build business. This particular WeWork gives me the atmosphere, the equipment, and the friendly, knowledgeable staff to take the world on. In here, under the hot, blazing California sun, I have surpassed Icarus....I have become Helios.
Anna Geva
April 30, 2021
Love WeWork and Constellation Place is stunning!
Exhibea Payments
March 31, 2020
Great office space.
Miklos Toth
December 15, 2019
One of the best WeWork locations I have used. Super helpful and accommodating staff who took the time to explain to me a lot of the nuances for that particular location. Parking is admittedly annoying; you can park in the mall which will run you $2 per hour up until the 5 hour limit at which point you will be required to pay the full daily rate. So a safe bet is about $9 in parking to get in about 4h30m of work. Not ideal but it's doable.
Lena Dobreer
February 23, 2019
Katie (K-Dub), BMo, Alyssa, Sarah, Shannon and Krista are THE BEST WeWork team this side of the Mississippi. Anything we need, they make happen. They're fun, energetic, professional, and always helpful. They make coming to work a joy. Oh and the offices are awesome too.
Explora edificis propers
2.7 milles
Pacific Design Center - Red Building
Los Angeles
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
2.8 milles
One Culver
Culver City
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
5.1 milles
520 Broadway
Santa Monica
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
5.4 milles
312 Arizona Ave
Santa Monica
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
5.4 milles
12130 Millennium Drive
Los Angeles
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
7.7 milles
5161 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
9 milles
1150 S Olive St
Los Angeles
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
9.7 milles
222 Pacific Coast Hwy
El Segundo
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
11.4 milles
611 North Brand Boulevard
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
12.9 milles
Campus @ Warner Center
Los Angeles
- Passi de dia
- Sales de reunions
- Afiliació a espais de treball compartits
- Taula dedicada
- Oficina privada
- Oficina de planta sencera
- WeWork Business Address
- Esdeveniments
A partir de $8/seient/hora
- Totes les ubicacions
- Estats Units
- Los Angeles
- Century City
- Constellation Place