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Common Area
Conference Room
Common Area
Common Area
Phone Booths
Common Area
Conference Room
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Kami siap membantu.
18 West 18th Street
Teams of all sizes are at home in our Union Square office space for rent, spanning seven floors and featuring hallmark amenities like onsite staff, fully-stocked printing stations, and private phone booths. Meet with clients in our art-filled lounges, kick off big projects in collaborative conference rooms, then touch base with the team in one of our sleek private offices. Commuting is a breeze with the F, M, N, L, Q, R, W, 4, 5, and 6 trains within walking distance. Plus, the surrounding shops, restaurants, and entertainment options make for a seamless transition from work to play. To put yourself at the forefront of business in Union Square, rent a workspace at West 18th Street today.
Tentang 18 West 18th Street
Teams of all sizes are at home in our Union Square office space for rent, spanning seven floors and featuring hallmark amenities like onsite staff, fully-stocked printing stations, and private phone booths. Meet with clients in our art-filled lounges, kick off big projects in collaborative conference rooms, then touch base with the team in one of our sleek private offices. Commuting is a breeze with the F, M, N, L, Q, R, W, 4, 5, and 6 trains within walking distance. Plus, the surrounding shops, restaurants, and entertainment options make for a seamless transition from work to play. To put yourself at the forefront of business in Union Square, rent a workspace at West 18th Street today.
- Ruang WeWork 81.807 kaki persegi
- Jam yang diperpanjang Ya
Ramah anjing
Kamar orang tua
Ruang acara
Layanan Teknologi
Ruang rapat
Staf di tempat
Unik di gedung ini
Ramah anjing
Selesaikan pekerjaan dengan ditemani hewan kesayangan berkaki empat di sisi Anda. Anak-anak anjing disambut di sini.
Kamar orang tua
Ruangan khusus, pribadi, dapat dikunci, dan nyaman untuk orang tua baru - lengkap dengan kulkas dan wastafel untuk kenyamanan Anda.
Ruang acara
Dengan sistem suara dan kontrol pencahayaan, lounge dapat diubah menjadi tempat pertemuan anggota. WeWork juga menyelenggarakan acara virtual untuk menjalin jejaring di seluruh komunitas kami.
Fasilitas standar WeWork
Layanan Teknologi
Terhubung dengan kabel Ethernet atau Wi-Fi yang aman, termasuk dukungan TI dan fungsionalitas login tamu. Layanan Teknologi Opsional tersedia untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan keamanan jaringan Anda, tidak perlu Belanja Modal. Biaya tambahan berlaku.
Ruang rapat
Ruang serbaguna ini dapat diatur agar dapat digunakan tim untuk berkumpul, rapat, berpartisipasi dalam konferensi video, atau memberikan presentasi—secara virtual atau tatap muka langsung.
Staf di tempat
Dengan keahlian operasional dan latar belakang yang berfokus pada layanan selama bertahun-tahun, tim Komunitas kami selalu siap untuk menyediakan semua yang dibutuhkan agar kantor Anda berjalan dengan lancar.
Area umum yang unik
Sebagai elemen utama dari lokasi kami, ruang kerja bergaya ruang tamu ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan kreativitas, kenyamanan, dan produktivitas.
Bilik telepon
Bilik telepon berfungsi sebagai ruang tenang untuk melakukan panggilan telepon pribadi, berpartisipasi dalam panggilan video singkat, atau hanya beristirahat sejenak tanpa gangguan.
Dapur Terisi
Item yang sekali pakai akan tersedia sebagai alternatif untuk item standar yang dapat digunakan kembali. Peralatan makan, gelas, bumbu, dan produk susu akan ditangani dan diisi ulang oleh staf yang mengenakan sarung tangan dan penutup wajah. Nikmati air saringan gratis, kopi panggang mikro, seltzer, dan teh, atau siapkan makan siang Anda dengan lemari es, microwave, dan mesin pencuci piring.
Printer kelas bisnis
Setiap gedung memiliki ruang khusus yang berisi printer kelas bisnis, persediaan kantor, dan mesin penghancur kertas.
Acara dan pemrograman profesional
Tim Komunitas kami rutin menyelenggarakan beberapa aktivitas seperti membangun jaringan, makan siang & belajar dan lainnya, ditambah aktivitas seru untuk membantu memberi tambahan hiburan.
Tidak termasuk
Teras luar ruangan
Penyimpanan sepeda
Ruang kesehatan
Ruang produksi
Stasiun pengisian daya kendaraan listrik
Ruangan Kantor di 18 West 18th Street
Ruang Kerja Harian
Kartu Pas Harian
Bayar sesuai penggunaan ruang kerja bersama dan private office yang dipesan setiap hari
- Untuk individu dan tim kecil
- Wi-Fi cepat, kopi dan teh tanpa batas, dan banyak lagi
Dimulai dari $39/hari*
*Ditambah pajak yang berlaku dan harga yang berbeda-beda bergantung lokasi
Ruang Rapat
Bayar sesuai penggunaan ruang rapat yang dipesan per jam
- Untuk grup kecil dan besar
- Wi-Fi cepat, kopi dan teh tanpa batas, dan banyak lagi
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam*
*Ditambah pajak yang berlaku dan harga yang berbeda-beda bergantung lokasi
Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
WeWork All Access Plus
Keanggotaan bulanan ke ruang kerja bersama di dekat Anda dan di seluruh dunia di 450+ lokasi
- 1 pemesanan ruang kerja bersama per hari
- 5 kredit disertakan setiap bulan untuk memesan ruang rapat dan private office
Dimulai dari $299/bln$240/bln untuk paket 12-bln*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya yang berlaku
Private Office
Private Office
Kantor siap huni dengan fasilitas bersama atau fasilitas pribadi
- Penanganan surat dan paket
- Untuk tim beranggotakan 1-100+
- Keanggotaan bulanan atau tahunan
Mulai dari $410 per meja/bulan*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya. Harga termasuk penawaran promosi.
Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
Ruangan kantor satu lantai penuh yang luas untuk disewakan, sempurna untuk tim besar.
- Untuk tim beranggotakan 50+
- Lantai pribadi
Solusi Tambahan
Alamat Bisnis WeWork
Alamat profesional dengan penanganan surat dan paket.
- Layanan kantor virtual
- Penanganan surat dan paket dengan add-on penerusan surat opsional**
**Add-on penerusan surat dikenakan biaya bulanan tambahan, biaya pengiriman kurir pihak ketiga, dan biaya layanan.
Dimulai dari $119/bln$102/bln untuk paket 24-bln*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya yang berlaku
**Add-on penerusan surat dikenakan biaya bulanan tambahan, biaya pengiriman kurir pihak ketiga, dan biaya layanan.
Ruang Acara
Ruang dengan kelengkapan yang baik untuk acara, acara luar kantor, atau pemotretan film Anda.
Ketersediaan Private Office
- Nikmati Wi-Fi cepat, kopi tanpa batas, tim di tempat, dan banyak lagi
- Berperabot lengkap
- Penanganan surat dan paket
Direkomendasikan untuk Anda
Private Office
Ruang kerja pribadi yang siap ditempati untuk tim dengan berbagai ukuran dilengkapi pilihan fasilitas bersama atau fasilitas pribadi—serta ketersediaan pilihan Satu Lantai Penuh guna privasi dan personalisasi tambahan.
Mari kita berbincang
18 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011
Detail transit terdekat
Ringkasan berjalan & berkendara
Walker's Paradise
100 / 100
Rider's Paradise
100 / 100
Biker's Paradise
90 / 100
Powered by Walk Score ®
Transit terdekat
- F, M, L trains at 14th Street / 6th Ave (4 blocks away) | 4, 5, 6, L, N, Q, R, W trains at 14th Street - Union Square (4 blocks away)
- Icon Parking at 6th Ave and 16th St (2 blocks away)
- West Side Highway (1 mile away)
- M1, M2, M3, M55 bus at 5th Ave / W. 10th St (2 blocks away)
- Citi Bike Station at 18th St and 6th Ave (on the block)
Hitung perjalanan Anda
Menghitung perjalanan dengan berkendara, bersepeda, atau berjalan kaki, bila tersedia.
Commute calculator powered by Walk Score® Travel Time
Apa kata mereka
Will Hughes
June 05, 2024
Jose A Pabon
March 08, 2023
Ken Chester Jr
August 12, 2022
Piotr P.
November 21, 2021
13 Ulasan
Will Hughes
June 05, 2024
I’ve work at a lot of co-working spaces and the staff experience at this location was the best BY FAR. Victor and Mecca were a huge help. Will definitely be coming back because of the excellent hospitality
Jose A Pabon
March 08, 2023
Good place to rent the space
Ken Chester Jr
August 12, 2022
Good spot for coworking
Piotr P.
November 21, 2021
Jak w kazdej lokalizacji na swiecie wysoki standard.
Sarah Danzl
January 24, 2020
We rent several offices and conference rooms here. Great amenities. The staff keeps it very clean and organized.
Gregg Kaufman
June 14, 2019
Another good one
Joe Messina
March 18, 2019
Nice coworking space.
DeUnequeTV Entertainment
June 12, 2024
Progress over perfection, but Wework💻is a perfect 👨🏾💻 workspace
Akhil Subhedar
November 07, 2024
Small WeWork with a decent location. Couple of floors. One floor has about 6 phone rooms. Very crowded on a Tuesday. The front entrance is under construction, and the rear entrance has some scaffolding near it. Coffee Machine is working, but the milk keeps running out. They have Kombucha, Nitro Brew, Lime Seltzer Water and Hibiscus Tea on Tap. Staff was helpful.
Allen Chang
June 04, 2024
No space at all anymore, they got ride of the major floors and it's just a few tiny lobby areas.
José Rosado
May 31, 2024
I bought a day pass at this site because I needed to make an important 30 min phone call. When I arrived, I stood outside the glass doors like a dummy while the WeWork rep behind the counter smirked and ignored me. She made no effort to acknowledge me. She was on the phone and she might've been very busy, but it would've been more professional to motion me to wait, to smile, even to do nothing. Instead, she smirked and acted like I was a bother. Another WeWork customer noticed me and let me in through the glass doors. I then stood like a dummy in front of the reception counter. I was just three feet away from the WeWork employe and still she pretended I didn't exist and to act like I was a pest instead of a paying customer. Again, another WeWork customer noticed me and told me I needed to scan a barcode from the WeWork email. Not finding the barcode, I waited a bit longer until I finally gave up and walked out without ever meeting a WeWork employee willing to make the slightest effort to deliver the service WeWork had already charged me for. I took the elevator down to the lobby and made my phone call from there. The free lobby experience was much better than the insulting experience I paid WeWork for.
Anna Kelemen
May 21, 2024
Came today for the first time and hate to say it was a terrible experience. The introductory email is inaccurate where they ask you to go to the 8th floor to check in. Check in took place on the 6th floor where I was hardly greeted by the front receptionists. They found my name and gave me a key and said I can swipe myself in any time. They told me to download the app to get wifi. No other explanation of the kitchen, common space, quiet areas, etc. i tried to go to the 8 th floor because the 6th floor was just too crowded as I had a meetings to attend to via zoom. 8th floor apparently is not an option and only for “Headquarters only”. I found myself having the most difficult time with wifi and logging in and had to go back downstairs twice to get help. Side note- if they give you a login on a post it note, the top is an email address without @ symbol and no indication of the rest of the email- they expect you to know that on your own somehow. I didnt know how co working spaces worked but needed a quiet room so I roamed around the 5th floor (6th was crowded and 8th wasnt available) and found that all the quiet/cubicle roomed glass encased desks were locked. Again, no explanation on how to get access to this. I really didnt have time to go back the fourth time so I found a door that was ajar to a conference room. In less than 45 min a gentleman came saying he had booked this room at 11. In a matter of an hour I am boucing from zoom call to working to finding a place to just quietly work and focus. Surely when I got passed the morning, I found myself FREEZING to the point where my fingers were going to fall off. Close to 1pm I found myself shivering. I left as soon as my last meeting was over and got out as fast I could. I overheard another girl in the restroom complaining about the same thing and a gentleman as well also flabbergasted by how cold the place was as he was packing up. Overall it was just a poor experience and I wouldnt recommend it for anyone new going there.
Alexandr Polovko
September 18, 2023
It used to be a good coworking space until they forced AC recently. Now it’s freezing on all the floors, people sitting in winter jackets and sneezing, and some people moved to another places (talking about shared space). Not sure why they keep doing it. I complained several times but it was’t solved. Keeping AC on full when it’s 67F outside doesn’t make any sense. Just waste of energy and discomfort for anyone. PS> I've mailed my feedback to specified address but haven't got any response.
Jelajahi bangunan terdekat
0.2 mil
71 5th Avenue
New York
- Acara
0.3 mil
154 W 14th St
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.4 mil
33 Irving Pl
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.6 mil
27 E 28th St
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.7 mil
450 Park Ave S
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.7 mil
135 Madison Ave
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.9 mil
368 9th Ave
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
1 mil
500 7th Ave
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
1.1 mil
160 Varick Street
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
1.1 mil
1450 Broadway
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
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Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
- Semua lokasi
- Amerika Serikat
- New York City
- Manhattan
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- 18 West 18th Street