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Building Exterior
Common Area
Common Area
Private Office
Private Office
Outdoor Terrace
Outdoor Terrace
Conference Room
Phone Booths
Recreational Games
Community Bar
Common Area
Berminat dengan lokasi ini?
Kami siap membantu.
222 Exhibition St
Situated in one of the city’s most lively neighbourhoods, WeWork’s serviced office near Melbourne Central is the ideal home to grow your business. Spanning three floors in a modern glass-walled building, this space creates a unique and collaborative work experience. Your team will feel energized in our sleek private offices, beautifully designed conference rooms, and bright, airy lounges. The location is easily accessible by bus, and the Parliament railway station and Bourke Street tram station are also within walking distance—making your commute a breeze no matter where you’re coming from. Need some fresh air during the day? Head to our sprawling balcony on the seventh floor, or take a phone call outside as you watch the city hum beneath you. There’s also an abundance of restaurants and bars downstairs, taking the planning out of after-work drinks and team celebrations. If you’re ready to join a vibrant network of professionals in a convenient, action-packed location, schedule a visit today.
Tentang 222 Exhibition St
Situated in one of the city’s most lively neighbourhoods, WeWork’s serviced office near Melbourne Central is the ideal home to grow your business. Spanning three floors in a modern glass-walled building, this space creates a unique and collaborative work experience. Your team will feel energized in our sleek private offices, beautifully designed conference rooms, and bright, airy lounges. The location is easily accessible by bus, and the Parliament railway station and Bourke Street tram station are also within walking distance—making your commute a breeze no matter where you’re coming from. Need some fresh air during the day? Head to our sprawling balcony on the seventh floor, or take a phone call outside as you watch the city hum beneath you. There’s also an abundance of restaurants and bars downstairs, taking the planning out of after-work drinks and team celebrations. If you’re ready to join a vibrant network of professionals in a convenient, action-packed location, schedule a visit today.
- Ruang WeWork 69.625 kaki persegi
- Jam yang diperpanjang Ya
- Gedung Hijau
- 100% Energi terbarukan
- Bebas Plastik Sekali Pakai
Teras luar ruangan
Penyimpanan sepeda
Kamar orang tua
Ruang kesehatan
Ruang acara
Unik di gedung ini
Hidup terlalu singkat untuk mengelilingi blok hanya untuk mencari satu titik. Pulang-pergi kerja seperti profesional berkat kendaraan antar-jemput dari rumah. Harga dan tarif bervariasi berdasarkan lokasi.
Teras luar ruangan
Dari balkon hingga atap gedung, ruangan al fresco kami menawarkan lingkungan yang indah untuk minum kopi, yoga, makan siang, atau pertemuan pribadi.
Penyimpanan sepeda
Rak dan gantungan siap mengamankan sepeda selama di gedung.
Kamar orang tua
Ruangan khusus, pribadi, dapat dikunci, dan nyaman untuk orang tua baru - lengkap dengan kulkas dan wastafel untuk kenyamanan Anda.
Ruang kesehatan
Entah Anda seorang ibu yang menyusui, akan beribadah, atau ingin bermeditasi, Anda dapat mengandalkan ruangan tenang yang dapat dikunci ini.
Ruang acara
Dengan sistem suara dan kontrol pencahayaan, lounge dapat diubah menjadi tempat pertemuan anggota. WeWork juga menyelenggarakan acara virtual untuk menjalin jejaring di seluruh komunitas kami.
Tempat mandi
Bagi mereka yang berangkat kerja dengan bersepeda atau gemar melakukan olahraga pagi, menyegarkan diri menjadi mudah berkat tempat mandi di lokasi.
Game rekreasi
Terkadang satu-satunya cara agar produktif adalah dengan beristirahat dan bermain.
Stasiun pengisian daya kendaraan listrik
Anda peduli pada lingkungan sehingga kami pun peduli pada Anda; isi daya mobil Anda di stasiun pengisian kendaraan listrik kami selagi Anda bekerja.
Fasilitas standar WeWork
Ruang rapat
Ruang serbaguna ini dapat diatur agar dapat digunakan tim untuk berkumpul, rapat, berpartisipasi dalam konferensi video, atau memberikan presentasi—secara virtual atau tatap muka langsung.
Staf di tempat
Dengan keahlian operasional dan latar belakang yang berfokus pada layanan selama bertahun-tahun, tim Komunitas kami selalu siap untuk menyediakan semua yang dibutuhkan agar kantor Anda berjalan dengan lancar.
Area umum yang unik
Sebagai elemen utama dari lokasi kami, ruang kerja bergaya ruang tamu ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan kreativitas, kenyamanan, dan produktivitas.
Bilik telepon
Bilik telepon berfungsi sebagai ruang tenang untuk melakukan panggilan telepon pribadi, berpartisipasi dalam panggilan video singkat, atau hanya beristirahat sejenak tanpa gangguan.
Dapur Terisi
Item yang sekali pakai akan tersedia sebagai alternatif untuk item standar yang dapat digunakan kembali. Peralatan makan, gelas, bumbu, dan produk susu akan ditangani dan diisi ulang oleh staf yang mengenakan sarung tangan dan penutup wajah. Nikmati air saringan gratis, kopi panggang mikro, seltzer, dan teh, atau siapkan makan siang Anda dengan lemari es, microwave, dan mesin pencuci piring.
Printer kelas bisnis
Setiap gedung memiliki ruang khusus yang berisi printer kelas bisnis, persediaan kantor, dan mesin penghancur kertas.
Acara dan pemrograman profesional
Tim Komunitas kami rutin menyelenggarakan beberapa aktivitas seperti membangun jaringan, makan siang & belajar dan lainnya, ditambah aktivitas seru untuk membantu memberi tambahan hiburan.
Tidak termasuk
Ramah anjing
Ruang produksi
Ruangan Kantor di 222 Exhibition St
Private Office
Private Office
Kantor siap huni dengan fasilitas bersama atau fasilitas pribadi
- Penanganan surat dan paket
- Untuk tim beranggotakan 1-100+
- Keanggotaan bulanan atau tahunan
Mulai dari A$350 per meja/bulan*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya. Harga termasuk penawaran promosi.
Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
Ruangan kantor satu lantai penuh yang luas untuk disewakan, sempurna untuk tim besar.
- Untuk tim beranggotakan 50+
- Lantai pribadi
Ruang Kerja Harian
Kartu Pas Harian
Bayar sesuai penggunaan ruang kerja bersama dan private office yang dipesan setiap hari
- Untuk individu dan tim kecil
- Wi-Fi cepat, kopi dan teh tanpa batas, dan banyak lagi
Dimulai dari A$55/hari*
*Ditambah pajak yang berlaku dan harga yang berbeda-beda bergantung lokasi
Ruang Rapat
Bayar sesuai penggunaan ruang rapat yang dipesan per jam
- Untuk grup kecil dan besar
- Wi-Fi cepat, kopi dan teh tanpa batas, dan banyak lagi
Mulai dari A$20 per kursi/jam*
*Ditambah pajak yang berlaku dan harga yang berbeda-beda bergantung lokasi
Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
Dedicated Desk
Meja pribadi Anda di kantor bersama. Syarat komitmen yang fleksibel.
- Kapasitas 1 orang
- Penanganan surat dan paket
WeWork All Access Plus
Keanggotaan bulanan ke ruang kerja bersama di dekat Anda dan di seluruh dunia di 450+ lokasi
- 1 pemesanan ruang kerja bersama per hari
- 5 kredit disertakan setiap bulan untuk memesan ruang rapat dan private office
Dimulai dari A$325/blnA$260/bln untuk paket 12-bln*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya yang berlaku
Solusi Tambahan
Alamat Bisnis WeWork
Alamat profesional dengan penanganan surat dan paket.
- Layanan kantor virtual
- Penanganan surat dan paket dengan add-on penerusan surat opsional**
**Add-on penerusan surat dikenakan biaya bulanan tambahan, biaya pengiriman kurir pihak ketiga, dan biaya layanan.
Dimulai dari A$185/blnA$158/bln untuk paket 24-bln*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya yang berlaku
**Add-on penerusan surat dikenakan biaya bulanan tambahan, biaya pengiriman kurir pihak ketiga, dan biaya layanan.
Ruang Acara
Ruang dengan kelengkapan yang baik untuk acara, acara luar kantor, atau pemotretan film Anda.
Ketersediaan Dedicated Desk
- Nikmati Wi-Fi cepat, kopi tanpa batas, tim di tempat, dan banyak lagi
- Berperabot lengkap
- Penanganan surat dan paket
Ketersediaan Private Office
- Nikmati Wi-Fi cepat, kopi tanpa batas, tim di tempat, dan banyak lagi
- Berperabot lengkap
- Penanganan surat dan paket
Direkomendasikan untuk Anda
Private Office
Ruang kerja pribadi yang siap ditempati untuk tim dengan berbagai ukuran dilengkapi pilihan fasilitas bersama atau fasilitas pribadi—serta ketersediaan pilihan Satu Lantai Penuh guna privasi dan personalisasi tambahan.
Mari kita berbincang
222 Exhibition Street Melbourne, VIC 3000
Detail transit terdekat
Ringkasan berjalan & berkendara
Walker's Paradise
99 / 100
Rider's Paradise
100 / 100
Powered by Walk Score ®
Transit terdekat
- Parliament Railway Station (3 blocks away)
Hitung perjalanan Anda
Menghitung perjalanan dengan berkendara, bersepeda, atau berjalan kaki, bila tersedia.
Commute calculator powered by Walk Score® Travel Time
Apa kata mereka
nawam munasinghe
November 11, 2024
Zaar Hai
May 12, 2024
August 03, 2022
Simon Lipson
March 22, 2022
23 Ulasan
nawam munasinghe
November 11, 2024
Absolutely nice place.
Zaar Hai
May 12, 2024
This is our favourite WeWork in Melbourne. We tried them all and find this the most lit up and bright in atmosphere. The staff is very friendly and attentive. The public space is vibrant but quite enough to work without your headphones on. I'm a regular visitor..
August 03, 2022
If I could give 6 stars I would. Wework is amazing - best pricing, location, staff and work spaces all in one.
Simon Lipson
March 22, 2022
Great vibes for a chilled day of work
Windsor Wine Room
July 12, 2021
Exceptional facilities and outstanding service led by the incredible and forever-accommodating team that is Ayrton, Olivia, and Nathan! The only place to pull up a pew and knuckle down into some work amongst the serene and warm setting at 222 Exhibition Street!
Andrew Volard
March 07, 2020
The team at WeWork 222 Exhibition St, Melbourne are outstanding support. Nathan, Olivia and Ayrton are brilliant, nothing is to much for them and they are always so happy. Thank you all.
Rob Ranieri
March 04, 2020
222 Exhibition Street has not been our first experience with WeWork, but has certainly been the best! The entire front desk (Ayrton, Nathan & Liv) are all incredibly resourceful, knowledgable and just all around awesome people to deal with. They really set the tone of the location. It's important that they're friendly, but they also get 👏 things 👏 done 👏 Would highly recommend this location. Outside of the staff, the facilities are beautiful, with an outdoor terrace that has full access to wifi. The location is great too, as it's near Melbourne's theatre district with tons of great restaurants and transport. We love it here!
Patricia Russell
March 03, 2020
I cannot recommend WeWork in Melbourne enough! I hosted an event there recently and Nathan and his team went above and beyond to help and make the event run smoothly.
Di Sandhu
October 28, 2019
Having visited a number of WeWork’s, I can confidently say this is the best WeWork in Australia. Ayrton, Nathan, Dan and their staff are incredible individuals who are highly regarded by the business networks. I cannot praise these 3 gentlemen enough. Their professionalism, jovial nature and ability to integrate the community through ongoing social events has been extremely valuable for my team and clients. This is the perfect marriage between a professional work space and a fun, productive environment. Hats off 222!
Kiran Aswani
October 28, 2019
This place has an amazing vibe and offers a variety of working areas throughout the floors. Such an amazing community and this is thanks to Ayrton, Dan and Nathan (along with the rest of the team). Their professionalism is amazing and their approachable + friendly nature makes the work days go by in a flash. There's always something going on - BBQ's, outdoor terrace with a cute bar, yoga, pool, JENGA, arcade games/playstation room as well as talks/activations/networking with other businesses/freelancers that work here. Definitely recommend this space for anyone looking for more than just an office box!
Omar Mourchad
October 25, 2019
I visited most Weworks in Melbourne and this is definitely my favorite one — not only because I'm a member here — very friendly community, lots of inspiring work spaces on 3 different levels and the team is F A N T A S T I C. Bonus - huge terrace with BBQs, outdoor furniture and of course a little cute bar.
Michael Tesselaar
October 24, 2019
This WeWork is the best I've ever seen. Highly recommand you to have a look at the insane outdoor terras and don't forget to check out the Nintento / playstation room and the table tennis and pooltabel. All you need to mix productiveness and some space to get creative.
Kat Mechanicos
October 24, 2019
WeWork is like my second home! The open spaces, bright lights, fun atmosphere and networking opportunities make "work" feel like a dream! The team behind it all; Ayrton, Dan and Nathan—and all the floor staff—always greet me with a smile, love to chat about my day and make me feel welcome. This little community really feels like a second family and brightens up the most stressful of days. Not to mention the number of fun and creative community events where you can engage with other companies in your building. Wish I could recommend this to all companies looking to embrace their staff, enhance their culture and make work a fun place to be.
girish sawlani
October 23, 2019
Great space to work at with great amenities. Lovely Staff & a pretty swanky open floor plan. Would totally recommend it to any business, sole trader or freelancer looking to rent a shared office space.
Derren Green
October 23, 2019
We had come from a different WeWork office and this place was a breath of fresh air. The facilities are great and the staff feel like part of our team. If you are looking for a great place to set up your office - this is what you need!
Jelajahi bangunan terdekat
0.4 mil
152 Elizabeth St
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari A$20 per kursi/jam
1 mil
120 Spencer St
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari A$20 per kursi/jam
- Semua lokasi
- Australia
- Melbourne
- 222 Exhibition St