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Building Exterior
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Hot Desk Area
Community Bar
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Outdoor Terrace
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Kami siap membantu.
501 Boylston St
Delivering a prime address in one of the most sought-after locations in Boston, WeWork’s Copley Square office space is the place to be for established businesses and independent entrepreneurs alike. Beautifully designed lounges, private offices, and conference rooms span two floors of this newly renovated building—and an energizing outdoor space helps you stay refreshed throughout the day. With Back Bay station just steps away, you can quickly connect to the Green and Orange Lines and regional trains. Plus, there’s onsite parking and bike storage. After work, the Boston Commons provide a perfect backdrop for celebrating team wins in style. Book a tour today to learn more about the all-inclusive amenities this space has to offer.
Tentang 501 Boylston St
Delivering a prime address in one of the most sought-after locations in Boston, WeWork’s Copley Square office space is the place to be for established businesses and independent entrepreneurs alike. Beautifully designed lounges, private offices, and conference rooms span two floors of this newly renovated building—and an energizing outdoor space helps you stay refreshed throughout the day. With Back Bay station just steps away, you can quickly connect to the Green and Orange Lines and regional trains. Plus, there’s onsite parking and bike storage. After work, the Boston Commons provide a perfect backdrop for celebrating team wins in style. Book a tour today to learn more about the all-inclusive amenities this space has to offer.
- Ruang WeWork 103.751 kaki persegi
- Jam yang diperpanjang Ya
- Gedung Hijau
Teras luar ruangan
Penyimpanan sepeda
Kamar orang tua
Ruang acara
Layanan Teknologi
Unik di gedung ini
Hidup terlalu singkat untuk mengelilingi blok hanya untuk mencari satu titik. Pulang-pergi kerja seperti profesional berkat kendaraan antar-jemput dari rumah. Harga dan tarif bervariasi berdasarkan lokasi.
Teras luar ruangan
Dari balkon hingga atap gedung, ruangan al fresco kami menawarkan lingkungan yang indah untuk minum kopi, yoga, makan siang, atau pertemuan pribadi.
Penyimpanan sepeda
Rak dan gantungan siap mengamankan sepeda selama di gedung.
Kamar orang tua
Ruangan khusus, pribadi, dapat dikunci, dan nyaman untuk orang tua baru - lengkap dengan kulkas dan wastafel untuk kenyamanan Anda.
Ruang acara
Dengan sistem suara dan kontrol pencahayaan, lounge dapat diubah menjadi tempat pertemuan anggota. WeWork juga menyelenggarakan acara virtual untuk menjalin jejaring di seluruh komunitas kami.
Fasilitas standar WeWork
Layanan Teknologi
Terhubung dengan kabel Ethernet atau Wi-Fi yang aman, termasuk dukungan TI dan fungsionalitas login tamu. Layanan Teknologi Opsional tersedia untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan keamanan jaringan Anda, tidak perlu Belanja Modal. Biaya tambahan berlaku.
Ruang rapat
Ruang serbaguna ini dapat diatur agar dapat digunakan tim untuk berkumpul, rapat, berpartisipasi dalam konferensi video, atau memberikan presentasi—secara virtual atau tatap muka langsung.
Staf di tempat
Dengan keahlian operasional dan latar belakang yang berfokus pada layanan selama bertahun-tahun, tim Komunitas kami selalu siap untuk menyediakan semua yang dibutuhkan agar kantor Anda berjalan dengan lancar.
Area umum yang unik
Sebagai elemen utama dari lokasi kami, ruang kerja bergaya ruang tamu ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan kreativitas, kenyamanan, dan produktivitas.
Bilik telepon
Bilik telepon berfungsi sebagai ruang tenang untuk melakukan panggilan telepon pribadi, berpartisipasi dalam panggilan video singkat, atau hanya beristirahat sejenak tanpa gangguan.
Dapur Terisi
Item yang sekali pakai akan tersedia sebagai alternatif untuk item standar yang dapat digunakan kembali. Peralatan makan, gelas, bumbu, dan produk susu akan ditangani dan diisi ulang oleh staf yang mengenakan sarung tangan dan penutup wajah. Nikmati air saringan gratis, kopi panggang mikro, seltzer, dan teh, atau siapkan makan siang Anda dengan lemari es, microwave, dan mesin pencuci piring.
Printer kelas bisnis
Setiap gedung memiliki ruang khusus yang berisi printer kelas bisnis, persediaan kantor, dan mesin penghancur kertas.
Acara dan pemrograman profesional
Tim Komunitas kami rutin menyelenggarakan beberapa aktivitas seperti membangun jaringan, makan siang & belajar dan lainnya, ditambah aktivitas seru untuk membantu memberi tambahan hiburan.
Tidak termasuk
Ramah anjing
Ruang kesehatan
Ruang produksi
Stasiun pengisian daya kendaraan listrik
Ruangan Kantor di 501 Boylston St
Private Office
Private Office
Kantor siap huni dengan fasilitas bersama atau fasilitas pribadi
- Penanganan surat dan paket
- Untuk tim beranggotakan 1-100+
- Keanggotaan bulanan atau tahunan
Mulai dari $600 per meja/bulan*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya. Harga termasuk penawaran promosi.
Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
Ruangan kantor satu lantai penuh yang luas untuk disewakan, sempurna untuk tim besar.
- Untuk tim beranggotakan 50+
- Lantai pribadi
Ruang Kerja Harian
Kartu Pas Harian
Bayar sesuai penggunaan ruang kerja bersama dan private office yang dipesan setiap hari
- Untuk individu dan tim kecil
- Wi-Fi cepat, kopi dan teh tanpa batas, dan banyak lagi
Dimulai dari $49/hari*
*Ditambah pajak yang berlaku dan harga yang berbeda-beda bergantung lokasi
Ruang Rapat
Bayar sesuai penggunaan ruang rapat yang dipesan per jam
- Untuk grup kecil dan besar
- Wi-Fi cepat, kopi dan teh tanpa batas, dan banyak lagi
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam*
*Ditambah pajak yang berlaku dan harga yang berbeda-beda bergantung lokasi
Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
Dedicated Desk
Meja pribadi Anda di kantor bersama. Syarat komitmen yang fleksibel.
- Kapasitas 1 orang
- Penanganan surat dan paket
WeWork All Access Plus
Keanggotaan bulanan ke ruang kerja bersama di dekat Anda dan di seluruh dunia di 450+ lokasi
- 1 pemesanan ruang kerja bersama per hari
- 5 kredit disertakan setiap bulan untuk memesan ruang rapat dan private office
Dimulai dari $299/bln$240/bln untuk paket 12-bln*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya yang berlaku
Solusi Tambahan
Ruang Acara
Ruang dengan kelengkapan yang baik untuk acara, acara luar kantor, atau pemotretan film Anda.
Ketersediaan Dedicated Desk
- Nikmati Wi-Fi cepat, kopi tanpa batas, tim di tempat, dan banyak lagi
- Berperabot lengkap
- Penanganan surat dan paket
Ketersediaan Private Office
- Nikmati Wi-Fi cepat, kopi tanpa batas, tim di tempat, dan banyak lagi
- Berperabot lengkap
- Penanganan surat dan paket
Direkomendasikan untuk Anda
Private Office
Ruang kerja pribadi yang siap ditempati untuk tim dengan berbagai ukuran dilengkapi pilihan fasilitas bersama atau fasilitas pribadi—serta ketersediaan pilihan Satu Lantai Penuh guna privasi dan personalisasi tambahan.
Mari kita berbincang
501 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02116
Detail transit terdekat
Ringkasan berjalan & berkendara
Walker's Paradise
99 / 100
Rider's Paradise
98 / 100
Very Bikeable
86 / 100
Powered by Walk Score ®
Transit terdekat
- Orange line, Acela Express, Northeast Regional trains at Back Bay Station (3 blocks away) Green line (Arlington or Copley stop) Commuter Rail (Back Bay)
- Parking at 82 Newbury St ( $43 in-building) or 201 Stuart St (Validate for $17, 2 blocks away)
- I9 or Route 9
- 10, 39, 170 bus at Back Bay Station (3 blocks away)
- Private office & All Access members can use the bike station at 501 Boylston
Hitung perjalanan Anda
Menghitung perjalanan dengan berkendara, bersepeda, atau berjalan kaki, bila tersedia.
Commute calculator powered by Walk Score® Travel Time
Apa kata mereka
Emilia Hernandez
August 15, 2024
Philip Davis
August 29, 2023
Bethany Bell
January 20, 2022
Masahiko Takinami
December 29, 2021
9 Ulasan
Emilia Hernandez
August 15, 2024
Personal de wework es lo mejor
Philip Davis
August 29, 2023
Beautiful space. Friendly staff
Bethany Bell
January 20, 2022
The WeWork at 501 Boylston is a wonderful place to work. After working for a year and a half, I had a pipe burst in my apartment and needed to find a new place to work. Since my company had credits with WeWork I just chose the one closest to me, the 501 Boylston location. It is spacious (2 floors) with numerous work environment options from the more casual, active, lively scene on half of the 10th floor to the quiet zone on the other side of 10th floor. The staff here are wonderful; they are relaxed, engaged, kind, and helpful. They are also always rocking a great playlist. In addition to the perks that exist in many weworks (free coffee, etc.), the staff host wine downs, free snack days, book exchanges, etc. that make this work space an enjoyable place to be every day. The repairs on my apartment are complete but I will continue to work from here because the environment is great!
Masahiko Takinami
December 29, 2021
It's nice 😌 and safety Masahiko Takinami 感謝 感激
March 25, 2021
Nice place to work
Derek McDermott
December 01, 2020
Nice building
Santiago Fernandez
April 11, 2019
The people are incredible and the place works great for the needs of our startup.
Joseph Morris
December 22, 2021
Great views of the city up there
Molly Hoke
July 28, 2023
Update 8/30/23: This company is not reputable. They supposedly approved a refund on 8/8 and I was to have it in 5-10 business days. I wait that amount of time and call to check (they had already closed the ticket) and was told the person gave me the wrong information before and it was not approved until 8/19 (and so have to wait 5-10 more business days). I asked multiple times for a receipt or proof the refund was definitely on the way to no avail nor would they connect me to the billing dept. July 2023 Neat historic building, great views, cool place to work with other people in person or solo, and nice community managers. But I would not recommend this to host any kind of meeting where you need to conference in virtual attendees, especially in a larger room. We rented 3 rooms over 2 days and had many issues. Here is what you should know prior to booking any rooms here and what I wish I would have been advised of: 1. No onsite IT support and no one comes to check to see if you are having any issues. Need to go to the Community Manager desk if you need help 2. Only 2 of the 15 rooms available for rent for meeting space (10D & 10J, both which hold 4) are equipped with videoconference equipment (touchpad, USB-C cable, and TV). Meaning for the other rooms, you have to project onto a TV from your laptop and use the sound from there for the whole room to be able to hear your virtual attendees. (Or I guess you could use a phone but not all rooms have phones.) In larger rooms, there are no microphones, so your virtual attendees will have trouble hearing anyone who is speaking that is not close to the laptop being used to project. And the person projecting has to share their screen with the room and also remember to share on Zoom. If it was set up to videoconference, it would all be seamless and just sharing any content/slides via Zoom needed. 3. The volume in 10G is either way to loud or way too soft. The volume button seems broken; in our case it was turned down to the lowest level but the volume in the room coming in from virtual attendees was entirely too loud. After the event, when I spoke to the Community Managers about it, they were gracious but said the audio problem is a known, ongoing issue with that room and that IT has come to check it and said it's fine. 4. 10G is also supposed to have a SoundBar in the room so virtual attendees can hear the people in the room talking. I didn't know our room was supposed to have that so didn't know to ask for one. Partially thru the meeting, one of my colleagues kindly tried to help resolve the overly loud volume in the room and virtual attendees not being able to hear people in the room talking and was given the sound bar. The batteries were dead and it needed charged, and that is the only one they had. 5. As part of the meeting in 10G, we had an important breakout in 10E and they lost internet during their discussion. It came back on but it added to a poor experience for virtual and online attendees 6. There no informatiom provided UP FRONT that as most of the rooms don't have video conference capabilities, that to project from a laptop onto a room screen and to be able to hear the sound via the speakers and not the laptop, that you need to be logged in thru the WeWorkWiFi via the accoutn info of the person who completed the booking (they will get an assigned password when they login to that specific WiFi). (It won't work thru the WeWork Guest WiFi.) Apparently it is also OK to share these credentials with your attendees if they are using other booked rooms at the same time. Why I had to find both of these important pieces of information via asking vs having it shared with me proactively before our event is beyond me. It's a shame our group had such a poor experience here as we spent almost $6 K over the 2 days and would have been repeat customers. The A/V was by far the worst I ever experienced for a meeting I organized (and I have hosted a number of these kinds of events).
Jelajahi bangunan terdekat
0.8 mil
One Lincoln Street
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
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- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
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Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
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