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Common Area
Hot Desk area
Common Area
Hot Desk area
Common Area
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Kami siap membantu.
575 Fifth
In an impressive 40-story building in the Diamond District, WeWork 575 Fifth brings our signature coworking style to a prime Midtown location near Rockefeller Center. This corporate-meets-tourist area offers plenty of nearby attractions to help your team feel inspired. Whether you need a single desk or a whole floor, WeWork gives you space to thrive. At 575 Fifth, enjoy incredible skyline views, a vibrant community, and onsite networking events. Located an avenue away from the B, D, F, and M at Rockefeller Center, you’ll have an easy commute whether you live uptown, across town, or over the river. If Midtown majesty is what you’re looking for in a workspace, 575 Fifth is the ticket.
Tentang 575 Fifth
In an impressive 40-story building in the Diamond District, WeWork 575 Fifth brings our signature coworking style to a prime Midtown location near Rockefeller Center. This corporate-meets-tourist area offers plenty of nearby attractions to help your team feel inspired. Whether you need a single desk or a whole floor, WeWork gives you space to thrive. At 575 Fifth, enjoy incredible skyline views, a vibrant community, and onsite networking events. Located an avenue away from the B, D, F, and M at Rockefeller Center, you’ll have an easy commute whether you live uptown, across town, or over the river. If Midtown majesty is what you’re looking for in a workspace, 575 Fifth is the ticket.
- Ruang WeWork 96.761 kaki persegi
Penyimpanan sepeda
Kamar orang tua
Ruang kesehatan
Ruang acara
Ruang makan
Layanan Teknologi
Unik di gedung ini
Penyimpanan sepeda
Rak dan gantungan siap mengamankan sepeda selama di gedung.
Kamar orang tua
Ruangan khusus, pribadi, dapat dikunci, dan nyaman untuk orang tua baru - lengkap dengan kulkas dan wastafel untuk kenyamanan Anda.
Ruang kesehatan
Entah Anda seorang ibu yang menyusui, akan beribadah, atau ingin bermeditasi, Anda dapat mengandalkan ruangan tenang yang dapat dikunci ini.
Ruang acara
Dengan sistem suara dan kontrol pencahayaan, lounge dapat diubah menjadi tempat pertemuan anggota. WeWork juga menyelenggarakan acara virtual untuk menjalin jejaring di seluruh komunitas kami.
Ruang makan
Fasilitas makan di tempat dan menu musiman menjadikan makan siang lebih menarik dan mudah.
Fasilitas standar WeWork
Layanan Teknologi
Terhubung dengan kabel Ethernet atau Wi-Fi yang aman, termasuk dukungan TI dan fungsionalitas login tamu. Layanan Teknologi Opsional tersedia untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan keamanan jaringan Anda, tidak perlu Belanja Modal. Biaya tambahan berlaku.
Ruang rapat
Ruang serbaguna ini dapat diatur agar dapat digunakan tim untuk berkumpul, rapat, berpartisipasi dalam konferensi video, atau memberikan presentasi—secara virtual atau tatap muka langsung.
Staf di tempat
Dengan keahlian operasional dan latar belakang yang berfokus pada layanan selama bertahun-tahun, tim Komunitas kami selalu siap untuk menyediakan semua yang dibutuhkan agar kantor Anda berjalan dengan lancar.
Area umum yang unik
Sebagai elemen utama dari lokasi kami, ruang kerja bergaya ruang tamu ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan kreativitas, kenyamanan, dan produktivitas.
Bilik telepon
Bilik telepon berfungsi sebagai ruang tenang untuk melakukan panggilan telepon pribadi, berpartisipasi dalam panggilan video singkat, atau hanya beristirahat sejenak tanpa gangguan.
Dapur Terisi
Item yang sekali pakai akan tersedia sebagai alternatif untuk item standar yang dapat digunakan kembali. Peralatan makan, gelas, bumbu, dan produk susu akan ditangani dan diisi ulang oleh staf yang mengenakan sarung tangan dan penutup wajah. Nikmati air saringan gratis, kopi panggang mikro, seltzer, dan teh, atau siapkan makan siang Anda dengan lemari es, microwave, dan mesin pencuci piring.
Printer kelas bisnis
Setiap gedung memiliki ruang khusus yang berisi printer kelas bisnis, persediaan kantor, dan mesin penghancur kertas.
Acara dan pemrograman profesional
Tim Komunitas kami rutin menyelenggarakan beberapa aktivitas seperti membangun jaringan, makan siang & belajar dan lainnya, ditambah aktivitas seru untuk membantu memberi tambahan hiburan.
Tidak termasuk
Ramah anjing
Teras luar ruangan
Ruang produksi
Stasiun pengisian daya kendaraan listrik
Ruangan Kantor di 575 Fifth
Private Office
Private Office
Kantor siap huni dengan fasilitas bersama atau fasilitas pribadi
- Penanganan surat dan paket
- Untuk tim beranggotakan 1-100+
- Keanggotaan bulanan atau tahunan
Mulai dari $290 per meja/bulan*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya. Harga termasuk penawaran promosi.
Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
Ruangan kantor satu lantai penuh yang luas untuk disewakan, sempurna untuk tim besar.
- Untuk tim beranggotakan 50+
- Lantai pribadi
Ruang Kerja Harian
Kartu Pas Harian
Bayar sesuai penggunaan ruang kerja bersama dan private office yang dipesan setiap hari
- Untuk individu dan tim kecil
- Wi-Fi cepat, kopi dan teh tanpa batas, dan banyak lagi
Dimulai dari $39/hari*
*Ditambah pajak yang berlaku dan harga yang berbeda-beda bergantung lokasi
Ruang Rapat
Bayar sesuai penggunaan ruang rapat yang dipesan per jam
- Untuk grup kecil dan besar
- Wi-Fi cepat, kopi dan teh tanpa batas, dan banyak lagi
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam*
*Ditambah pajak yang berlaku dan harga yang berbeda-beda bergantung lokasi
Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
Dedicated Desk
Meja pribadi Anda di kantor bersama. Syarat komitmen yang fleksibel.
- Kapasitas 1 orang
- Penanganan surat dan paket
WeWork All Access Plus
Keanggotaan bulanan ke ruang kerja bersama di dekat Anda dan di seluruh dunia di 450+ lokasi
- 1 pemesanan ruang kerja bersama per hari
- 5 kredit disertakan setiap bulan untuk memesan ruang rapat dan private office
Dimulai dari $299/bln$240/bln untuk paket 12-bln*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya yang berlaku
Solusi Tambahan
Alamat Bisnis WeWork
Alamat profesional dengan penanganan surat dan paket.
- Layanan kantor virtual
- Penanganan surat dan paket dengan add-on penerusan surat opsional**
**Add-on penerusan surat dikenakan biaya bulanan tambahan, biaya pengiriman kurir pihak ketiga, dan biaya layanan.
Dimulai dari $119/bln$102/bln untuk paket 24-bln*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya yang berlaku
**Add-on penerusan surat dikenakan biaya bulanan tambahan, biaya pengiriman kurir pihak ketiga, dan biaya layanan.
Ruang Acara
Ruang dengan kelengkapan yang baik untuk acara, acara luar kantor, atau pemotretan film Anda.
Ketersediaan Dedicated Desk
- Nikmati Wi-Fi cepat, kopi tanpa batas, tim di tempat, dan banyak lagi
- Berperabot lengkap
- Penanganan surat dan paket
Ketersediaan Private Office
- Nikmati Wi-Fi cepat, kopi tanpa batas, tim di tempat, dan banyak lagi
- Berperabot lengkap
- Penanganan surat dan paket
Direkomendasikan untuk Anda
Private Office
Ruang kerja pribadi yang siap ditempati untuk tim dengan berbagai ukuran dilengkapi pilihan fasilitas bersama atau fasilitas pribadi—serta ketersediaan pilihan Satu Lantai Penuh guna privasi dan personalisasi tambahan.
Mari kita berbincang
575 5th Ave. New York, NY 10017
Inspired by the work of the American contemporary artist Donald Judd, WeWork 575 Fifth’s design theme features color blocks and minimal graphics that will energize your employees and impress your guests. Casual-but-classy common areas provide space to network with other members, while an onsite wellness room gives you a peaceful retreat for midday meditation. From personalized onsite support to an endless stream of micro-brewed coffee, you’ll love the hallmark amenities we offer at this convenient Midtown location. Join us at WeWork 575 Fifth for a space that supports your team.
Detail transit terdekat
Inspired by the work of the American contemporary artist Donald Judd, WeWork 575 Fifth’s design theme features color blocks and minimal graphics that will energize your employees and impress your guests. Casual-but-classy common areas provide space to network with other members, while an onsite wellness room gives you a peaceful retreat for midday meditation. From personalized onsite support to an endless stream of micro-brewed coffee, you’ll love the hallmark amenities we offer at this convenient Midtown location. Join us at WeWork 575 Fifth for a space that supports your team.
Ringkasan berjalan & berkendara
Walker's Paradise
96 / 100
Rider's Paradise
100 / 100
Biker's Paradise
91 / 100
Powered by Walk Score ®
Transit terdekat
- One avenue away from BDFM lines at Rockefeller Center
Hitung perjalanan Anda
Menghitung perjalanan dengan berkendara, bersepeda, atau berjalan kaki, bila tersedia.
Commute calculator powered by Walk Score® Travel Time
Apa kata mereka
Jessica Shu
November 09, 2024
Eric Yeh
August 24, 2019
Marcela G.J.
July 10, 2019
rakesh pansuriya
June 24, 2019
25 Ulasan
Jessica Shu
November 09, 2024
Happy with this location, great area and lots of space, not too crowded
Eric Yeh
August 24, 2019
home sweet home. best ww I've seen
Marcela G.J.
July 10, 2019
Thanks for hosting meetup it was great
rakesh pansuriya
June 24, 2019
Jason Ovryn
February 14, 2019
Love it!
Scented Trees
November 17, 2017
Very retro and cool. It's also a calm working environment and space.
Gabe Anderson
November 14, 2017
This WeWork is one of, if not, the best WeWork’s in NYC. I visited six of the Manhattan WeWork locations and could not be more ecstatic to have chosen this one at 575 Fifth Avenue. Not only is the actual building at 575 Fifth aesthetically stunning, the WeWork dedicated floors are spectacular and cleanly. To top it all off, the community management staff provides exceptional service, always going above and beyond for everyone. They truly make a fab team. And there seems to always be a plenitude of positive energy in the air that is insurmountable. Keep it up WeWork 575.
Christopher Rinchik
November 13, 2017
I've been working out of WeWork 575 5th since July and it's been an amazing experience. Not only are the amenities great (and sometimes surprising), but the staff (both floor and community) have been awesome. It's nice to be able to mingle with other tenants, learn about their businesses, and figure out ways to help each other. Shoutout to Rachelle, Caitlin, Adam, Quinn, Shae, Shy, Leslie, & Anthony for making it the best office I've worked in so far.
Maurice Murphy
October 11, 2017
575 fifth has been one of the best decisions our company has made to date and has been a real boost to everyone on the team. The space itself is fantastic and as with most WeWork spaces, it provides everything a young company could ask for, however the real value of 575 fifth comes in the form of the community team. From the moment we moved in they have been amazing and have been a constant help to us, from running all types of weekly events, sorting out any tech issues you may have, to even recommending what to get your mother for her birthday! They are an outstanding team and are a credit to WeWork.
Danny Rowland
October 05, 2017
I took a tour and was very impressed with the space. They have lots of options for offices and they have beautiful common areas for doing your work as well. The people are all so friendly.
Niche Movement (The Niche Movement)
October 05, 2017
Caitlin and Rachel were great to work with planning our fireside chat event. I've been a WeWork member for almost 3 years and have hosted or been to over a dozen events. From mics not working to having no help in moving furniture to staff not staying for the whole event, I've seen it all. Aside from the great space, they made our lives easy. Caitlin and her team were on point from set up to break down. I would highly recommend hosting your event at 575.
Joe Cox
October 04, 2017
575 5th is a great place to work. The central location, general cleanliness, natural light, and wonderful team of WeWorkers ensure that work isn't so bad, even on a Wednesday. Special shout out to Rachelle, Caitlin, and Quinn who are always much nicer to me than they should be.
Zachary Konopka
October 04, 2017
From management, to the office space, to all the people working there to make everything great for WeWork members, I couldn't ask for a better experience! These people are friendly professional and get the job done in time, every time; thank you so much!
October 04, 2017
We've spent time in plenty of WeWork offices around NYC over the last 18 months. The whole business just does everything so well, but 575 takes it to the next level. We were lucky to land an office here just as it was opening and we've been looked after as if we're the only people here. The community team are awesome, the events are well coordinated and great for networking, and the space itself is always complimented by visitors who have seen other WeWork offices as well. 5 stars (as long as they find space for us here when we need a bigger office!)
Stephen Barry
October 04, 2017
Absolutely superb staff, and by far the best location I have ever had the pleasure of moving our offices too.
Jelajahi bangunan terdekat
0.3 mil
450 Lexington Ave
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.3 mil
575 Lexington Avenue
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.4 mil
135 W 41st St
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.4 mil
430 Park Avenue
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.4 mil
1460 Broadway
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.5 mil
1450 Broadway
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.6 mil
500 7th Ave
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.7 mil
750 Lexington Ave
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.8 mil
135 Madison Ave
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
0.8 mil
450 Park Ave S
New York
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam