Komitmen WeWork untuk membantu ekosistem kewirausahaan Indonesia bangkit dari pandemi. Sebuah program ruang dan dukungan bagi ekosistem startup dengan agenda inovasi untuk mendorong produktivitas dan kolaborasi.
Inisiatif WeWork Growth Campus adalah investasi dalam ruang dan sumber daya yang secara khusus bertujuan untuk mendukung ekosistem kewirausahaan di Indonesia. Dengan pusat utamanya di Indonesia, Growth Campus mengumpulkan seluruh komunitas kewirausahaan di bawah satu payung. Di sini tersedia sumber daya manusia, produk, dan cara terbaik yang dapat membantu bisnis Anda berkembang. Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.
Lihat kriteria kelayakan program DI SINI.
Untuk pemohon non-startup, kriteria kelayakan akan diberikan setelah menerima pengajuan Anda.
Offer. WeWork is offering eligible participants up to 75% discount on membership fees at WeWork Growth Campus locations in Singapore for new sign ups for dedicated desk(s) or private office space (“Offer”).
Eligibility. To participate in this Offer, participants must qualify as one of the following:
Investment institutions & funds
Individual investors
Incubator and Accelerator programs
University programs
Non-Profits & Social Impact
More details on eligibility can be found HERE. Participants are required to sign a WeWork Membership Agreement for dedicated space with a commitment term of at least six (6) months to a maximum of twelve (12) months, and must not be current members of WeWork or members from the last 3 month and must not be participating in any other offers or promotions. Participants must apply for the Offer HERE.
Offer Discount. WeWork will assess the level of discount (up to 75%) in its sole and absolute discretion based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the eligibility criteria (HERE), location, availability and commitment term.
Offer Validity. This Offer is available for WeWork Growth Campus locations in Singapore and is subject to availability.
Each participant may only take advantage of the Offer once. Offer is non-transferable, has no cash value, and cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. By participating in this Offer, you may be ineligible for other promotions or offers including other free or discounted trial offers for the duration of your term under the WeWork Membership Agreement. We may modify or terminate the Offer at any time without notice save that no modification or termination shall affect the terms of any WeWork Membership Agreement executed by an eligible participant.