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Member Spotlight

40 over 40: Matteo Console Camprini’s passion for innovative spaces

Italian-born Matteo Console Camprini didn’t pursue architecture in the traditional sense. “If you’re doing traditional architecture, you envision something today,” says the 48-year-old entrepreneur. “If you’re lucky, you’ll see it in five years.” Instead, his passion in life was designing imaginative, innovative event spaces that come to life in a matter of weeks or months. […]

Member Spotlight

40 over 40: Wolf Shlagman’s revolutionary approach to healthcare

When Wolf Shlagman came up with the idea for Care Angel, he had to “connect a lot of dots.” The award-winning service, which helps ensure homebound people are happy and healthy, required that the technology—artificial intelligence and voice recognition software, for instance—be advanced enough. “When you can finally bring it all together,” Shlagman says, “it’s […]

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