Four keys to leading and delegating effectively

Learning to “let go” is one of the toughest things to do at work sometimes.

My 22-year-old daughter called yesterday to tell me she’s getting an intern. We just hired a recent college grad at theONswitch. The fine art of interviewing and delegation is a big step, especially when you’re young and have never managed anyone before. (When I was in my 20s, I could barely manage myself. Suddenly having a “staff” was flattering but a bit overwhelming.)

We as professionals think we can always do things better ourselves, but a business can’t grow unless we develop trust in others and let them contribute. Plus, new brains, especially young ones, can bring us ideas and skills that we don’t possess.

What are the keys to delegating?

1. Hire Well

Look for people who possess the right values and work ethic and are the right “fit” with your culture. You can always teach skills. But talent and commitment are non-negotiables. (If you make a hiring mistake, be bold and quick in firing well too.)

2. Train well

Develop a curriculum and timetable that spans 90 days. Much like an academic path, craft it so that the person you’re training knows your expectations. Invest your time and be patient when you’re teaching skills. Allow your new hire “shadow” you as well.

3. Manage well

Be a committed, calm, and compassionate boss, not a bully boss. Tolerate mistakes. That’s how people learn. Our new hire accidentally deleted my blog on her third day at work. We both laughed about it, fixed the problem, and moved on. I realized that I hadn’t spent enough time teaching her, and we both learned something from the experience. Do not be afraid to give “stretch” assignments to young people. I learned how to swim when I was in the deep end of the pool. (Make sure the lifeguard — you — is always on duty.)

4. Reward well

Money is not the only motivator (although it’s pretty good). Sometimes just a few words of praise can ensure that your new hire feels valued. New and fun experiences and spiffs (like visits to conferences, a random gift card, or even a free lunch) show that you are invested in the relationship.

Stay close, stay involved, treat your team members with respect, and be a strong but fair leader.

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