Your calendar isn’t the only thing that can give you insights into the week ahead. In our new monthly column, Workstrology, the expert astrologists at Sanctuary chart the energies, oppositions, and smart moves for your sign.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
You may find yourself spending an unusual amount of time lost in thought this month, Aries, as the illuminating Sun, dreamy Neptune, and analytical Mercury collaborate in the house of your unconscious to bring you deeper dreams, emotions, and spiritual insights. This is a potent time for self-reflection as you wrap up one solar cycle and ready yourself for the next. Expect the unexpected regarding your financial dealings after March 7, and ready your affairs for the upcoming tax season now. As you take the reins on your resources, consider the rare abilities that you have to offer. This new cycle will be a fortunate time to align the work you do more fully with your core values and innate talents. What resonates for you on these frequencies will always yield the highest reward.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Earthy Taurus, the comfortable and stable energy you bring to your workplace is very much appreciated. You’ll be valued especially highly this month, as your ruling planet Venus moves through your house of career. You’re a team player, but make sure to speak up for yourself if you feel you’re being spread too thin. Remember that you don’t owe anyone stability at the cost of your own growth. This year will see you make major changes to the ways in which you embrace and express your identity, beginning this month when radical Uranus enters your sign March 7. Make the most of this period of self-reinvention by taking time to envision as clearly as possible your best, happiest, and most productive life.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Be prepared for miscommunications at work this month, Gemini, as your ruling planet Mercury retrogrades in your house of career from March 5-28. Before scheduling that meeting, make sure you’re sending accurate details to the right contacts, and double check your messages for clarity before hitting send. Insight regarding a work matter may come to you on March 7. Consider this information, but wait to act on it. You’ll find next month to be a much better time for decisive actions. Going forward, it will be beneficial for you to focus on radically restructuring the ways you’re connected to the collective unconscious and to your own inner being. Your agile intellect is more than capable of analyzing both esoteric and intuitive information, so embrace Neptune’s influence in your career zone and on your mind this month to open yourself up to new realms of opportunity.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Pay closer attention to your dreams this month, Cancer. Your subconscious visions may yield a brilliant idea that you can apply at work after March 21, when the Sun moves into your career zone. This year will be an excellent time to incorporate new, intellectually expansive influences into your routine. Consider enrolling in a workshop or class and formally studying something you can apply to the work you already do. Unpredictable Uranus will be touching down on your extended network this month, and you may encounter some very remarkable people in your orbit. Be sure to make space for this. Structured learning environments can be wonderful places to meet like-minded people who might become future friends or collaborators. Remember that change is inextricable from growth, and shake up anything that feels stagnant within your group affiliations at work and beyond.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
When opportunity knocks, be ready to answer. Update your LinkedIn profile to prepare as unpredictable Uranus moves into your career zone on March 7. Uranus (the planet of revolution and innovation) will move into the sign of fiscally-conscious Taurus for the next eight years, so you can expect a series of shifts in your career path. You’ll have support in pursuing more eccentric roles during this time, so think big. This year, with expansive Jupiter moving through your creative zone, you have a seemingly endless supply of brilliant ideas. Use the intuitive energy of the Pisces new moon on March 6 to focus in on which of these ideas excites you the most, and come up with a plan of action to start moving toward that goal. Anything you envision is within reach now, as long as you’re willing to put in the time and effort to make it your reality.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Try to be patient with your friends and colleagues this month, Virgo. As your planetary ruler, Mercury, slows down in your partnerships for most of March, you may be extra-frustrated by murkiness and delays in your communications with others. It’s in your nature to be helpful and deliver fixes whenever you can, but sometimes you’re most helpful by letting others make and fix their own mistakes without your immediate assistance. No one likes to be micromanaged, and you’ll benefit from avoiding tension in the office. The full moon in Libra on March 21 will highlight your personal finances: specifically, where you’ve been successful and where there’s room for improvement. Do some number-crunching to figure out where you currently stand in relation to your goals, and what you can do to increase your earning potential.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
It’s been tough for us all to start 2019 with a perfect health and fitness schedule. This month, however, your daily routine comes into clear focus. On March 6, the new moon in Pisces provides your first real opportunity of the year to set new intentions around productivity, habits, and your physical health. Make a personal commitment to exercise one more day per week or to spend your Sunday meal-prepping so you can bring your lunch to work. Plan out your day while you drink your coffee in the morning, and do your best to stick to the schedule you’ve set. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and you may feel like these changes are slowing you down at first, but be patient. Substantial changes need time to settle in. Next month you’ll be springing forward again, this time from a more organized foundation.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You’ll feel a major boost in your creativity this month, Scorpio, and it may be in your best interest to stay in on weekends and spend time putting focused energy and work into your creative pursuits. As legendary Scorpio Pablo Picasso said, “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” In the office, you’ll be able to galvanize your team by sharing your most visionary ideas as your sign’s rulers, Pluto and Mars, impact your houses of community and partnerships, helping you to powerfully assert your message to others. Make sure to communicate a clear depiction of your idea when sharing it with your team. The ideas that come to you this month will be groundbreaking, but try to take things step by step. While Mercury is retrograde until March 28, there’s an increased risk of misunderstanding that you’ll want to do your best to avoid.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Your nature is so beautifully self-expressive, Sagittarius. This month, try to spend some time nurturing and appreciating the emotional foundation that fuels your fire. This is an ideal time to kick any habits holding back your productivity, health, and happiness before Uranus (the planet of revolution and innovation) enters your zone of daily routines on March 7. At this time, you can embrace the Uranus’s upending energy to infuse new habits into your home and work routines. As you’re revamping your work-life balance, you’ll want to restructure your personal finances, aligning your resources with your values. This will be a great year for you, full of opportunities to flourish like you never have before. Now, you can start preparing to receive and make the most of these opportunities as they come.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Capricorn, this month is full of surprises! You may experience this through a sudden lightning bolt of inspiration, or a new romance entering your life from out of the blue. As revolutionary Uranus begins an eight-year journey through your house of creativity and pleasure on March 7, try not to get too swept off your feet. Your pragmatic, goal-oriented nature is crucial to keep your team running at full steam, but don’t worry: You’ll still have time to focus on fun. As you integrate your newfound lust for life into your work, you’re also opening new creative pathways that will pay off handsome dividends for years to come. A full moon in your house of career on March 21 will shine a light on where you’ve successfully manifested your intentions work-wise, and where you should reevaluate your efforts. This is the ultimate spring cleaning!
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Gregarious Aquarius, as Mercury retrogrades through your house of finances this month, take time to consider how the work you do at the job you have aligns with your values. How can you fine-tune your situation to yield even more resources materially, socially, and intellectually? As Venus (the planet of money and values) moves through your sign until March 26, you’ll find others to be more receptive than usual to your way of doing things. Take this opportunity to infuse your position at work with a little more of your inventive, visionary, and socially-conscious energy. Avoid making large purchases or buying technology until after Mercury stations direct on March 28. And until then, prepare yourself for delayed payments by keeping a little extra cash around, just in case.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
It’s your time to shine, Pisces. This month, the Sun meets up with Mercury and Neptune in your zone of self-expression, giving you a chance to creatively reimagine the ways in which you communicate your identity to others. Embracing a more authentic vibe in your workplace interactions will allow you to step more fully into your true self, feeling empowered and accomplished with every task at hand. A new moon in your sign on March 6 offers you an opportunity to set a new intention around how your identity will be expressed going forward. On March 7, Uranus (the planet of innovation) will touch down in your close community, helping you see your workplace in a new light. Engaging this untapped potential could be the start of something wonderful. Remember, Pisces: Fortune favors the bold.
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