Your calendar isn’t the only thing that can give you insights into the month ahead. In our monthly column Workstrology, the expert astrologers at Sanctuary chart the energies, oppositions, and smart moves for your sign.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Venerating “the hustle” and “the grind” can sometimes speak to an unconscious fear of losing ground, Aries. This month you can hustle all you want, but one healthier alternative is to find a rhythm with your work so it can be self-sustaining, where your career objectives align with responsibilities to your wellbeing. Getting surgical about your personal habits and routines will trickle down to making good choices in the workplace. The Pisces full moon on the 13th asks you to take a deep breath if you’re feeling overwhelmed by an endless to-do list. Some of your practices are motivated by the appearance of proficiency instead of genuine effortlessness, so cut out the tasks that are just for show. After the 23rd, the Sun moves out of your service zone into your partnerships. The Libra new moon on the 28th reminds you that it’s OK to ask for help! When it comes to task management, two heads are usually better than one. Even if certain alliances soured in the past, flying solo doesn’t have to be your forever story.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
You’re energized in September, Taurus, so use this momentum to finally do that thing! You already know what it is: the thing you’ve been putting off because tackling it head-on could also “take the fun out of it.” Look, Rome wasn’t built in a day. This will take initiative and persistence to manage. But if you compose a strategy this month and stick to the deadlines you set for yourself, you can maintain creative business as usual. By winter’s end, the result will be something that has produced itself, as if by magic. The Pisces full moon on the 13th provides a glimpse into your future if you fully commit to this enterprise. This will look like a deeper communion with your creativity as opposed to the demands imposed by outside influences, bosses, or teachers. The Libra new moon on the 28th forecasts some stress as you realize that Rome was certainly not built in a day: It was the result of years of diligent maintenance. Keep your workload balanced instead of getting anxious for the finished product to be done already. The key to your success will be longevity.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Work may seem like more of a distraction than anything in September, Gemini, as your focus is primarily taken up by personal matters. This month will, however, illuminate how to set boundaries and reclaim your autonomy. You can expect to be busy if you work from home, if you are legacy in your line of work, or if you’re involved in a family business. In the case of a family business, confusing situations may arise that conflate professional responsibilities with personal ones. You may have to decide where to assert your authority, for example, if a relative expects you to take on a leadership role but then refuses to let you make decisions. Fortunately, the Pisces full moon on the 13th shows you how to handle power imbalances through compassion, allowing you to address concerns about career expectations that are more like pipedreams. The Libra new moon on the 28th falls in your entertainment zone, planting a seed for creative growth. Prioritize what sparks joy, and give your inner child some praise for working sensibly through issues from the first part of the month.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
September emphasizes communication, Cancer. The relationships that fell away over the summer have given you room to build more respectful partnerships, and the best part is that you don’t have to look far to find them. This month, your neighborhood is a source of inspiration! You’ll also benefit from short trips; even running errands around town will make you feel like a more integral part of your community. The Pisces full moon on the 13th shows you that it’s time for a new mindset, a new approach, and a different perspective. You can’t be afraid to outgrow your shell when you’re learning as much as you are now. Be sure to maintain a sense of curiosity as you develop new skills. This will help you dissolve the old assumption that by branching out you’re somehow betraying obligations to your safety and stability. The Libra new moon on the 28th pokes a wound of perceived inadequacy in your career. As soon as you can recognize what this particular trigger is, you’ll be taking the first step to turning things around and finding balance. Don’t avoid what’s coming up, or you’ll miss this opportunity. Once you’ve faced this, you’ll realize how your propensity for self-criticism was worse than the problem itself.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
You may be exhausted from your birthday month or just bummed to see the summer sun gradually yielding earlier nights and darker dawns. Either way, September urges you to push through the early autumn malaise! Your labor over the past year is finally starting to bear fruit, creating a great moneymaking moment for you this month. Naturally, when your lion eyes are drifting toward the next shiny project, there’s also a danger of not finishing what you’ve started. This is the month to lay foundations for lasting success, with the help of fortuitous relationships and financial boons. Stay accountable to your craft, and you can expect a big payoff! Conversely, be cautious of overspending, and choose purchases that aid your progress. Instead of fleeting luxuries, think textbooks, a new computer, or organizational supplies. The Pisces full moon on the 13th will say, “No more negotiating your power away, compromising, or making excuses!” Stop limiting yourself by naysaying your capabilities, Leo. The Libra new moon on the 28th helps you discover your voice within your community, inspiring participation in teamwork and collaborations you might typically decline.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
The Sun is traveling through your identity zone for your birthday month, asking you to finesse your self-representation skills. Take inventory: how can you use your image, wit, and personality to champion efforts toward your goals, passions, and creativity? You now have serious forward-momentum to strategize your future for the coming year, but you will need to regulate self-effacing thoughts and impulses. To aid in this adjustment, the Pisces full moon on the 13th will encourage you to form an alliance to jumpstart your goals. Asking for help does not mean relinquishing creative control, nor does it make you an “imposter,” Virgo. With a second set of eyes to affirm and build upon your standards, you can finally see the bigger picture and ease up on self-criticism. The Libra new moon on the 28th asks you to look at where you compromise your values out of fear of discord. Pay attention to your equilibrium during the final week of September, and dissect the circumstances that cause stress. Are those stress factors yielding any positive benefits, or simply causing unwarranted anxiety?

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
Given your latest exploits in the community, the first half of September will feel quiet by comparison. Even if you’re not center stage, you can still dream up big ideas in the background and get to work. The most important takeaways this month are learned by listening. Determine when to use your voice for action and when to keep ideas private, cultivating a greater impact of your service through refinement. Find the magic in your process while you work, and don’t rush it for the sake of appearances. The Pisces full moon on the 13th prompts you to add more empathy to your toolkit. By shifting your attitude to meet your circumstances, you’ll transform situations and set a positive example for anyone working alongside you. Mercury and Venus enter your sign on the 14th, easing you into sharing creativity and messages you held close during the first part of the month. Don’t shy away from public platforms! The Sun enters your sign on the 23rd, kicking off your birthday season. On the 28th, the new moon in your sign encourages you to conquer fears of failure so that you may embrace a leadership opportunity in the coming year.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
September steers your focus toward group initiatives, but the responsibility for your own voice is paramount. You’ll probably run into more than one conflict regarding money matters or ethical agendas that illuminate a struggle to function and unite with others. Instead of getting frustrated, remember that patient negotiation allows opportunities for learning and accomplishment. Each individual will need to feel seen and honored for the skills they can bring to the table. It may be beneficial to temporarily adopt the coordinator’s position, assigning tasks and shaping the structure of the enterprise so it can flourish. The Pisces full moon on the 13th is a reminder that you can balance work and play harmoniously, and the moon’s positive connection to transformative Pluto suggests that a hidden talent of yours will be your key to success, if you choose to share it now. In the second half of the month, you’ll be thinking about how balance and beauty fit into your life, right as the Libra new moon on the 28th arrives. This moon asks you to consider how to serve others without losing your identity within your work.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
September’s big-boss energy encourages you to take charge of your destiny, Sag. Expect recognition from superiors, potentially in the form of a raise, promotion, or extra freedoms, or ample clients if you’re freelancing or self-employed. Naturally, you’ll have to take on additional responsibilities to reap these rewards, but where you might previously have looked at new obligations as a hassle, now you see them as exciting growth opportunities. You can get precise in your project management by feeling free instead of trapped. During the Pisces full moon on the 13th, the phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child” summarizes how far you’ve come from humble beginnings, so thank your chosen family for their support and let them share your success! Beware of an identity crisis that hits hardest around the 21st, and remember that feelings of nostalgia don’t have to lead you backward. Later this month, the Sun shifts into your teamwork zone on the 23rd and collaboration feels like a breeze. On the 28th, the Libra new moon sets you up as a leader in your community, encouraging you to set aside a personal agenda so that your influence can reach new heights.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
You have a responsibility to champion what truly matters to you in September, so get exact about what you believe and why. Use your platforms as megaphones to amplify awareness and unite people who would normally shy away from participating. Although it’s easy to become dogmatic with the details now, you’re ultimately more concerned with educating yourself. This is what keeps you from fighting for causes purely for the sake of sport and helps you to pick your battles. If you’re returning to school after the summer recess, you’ll shine in academia and the getting-to-know-you shuffle. For you, this month also favors opportunities to travel for business or work with colleagues overseas. On the 13th, the Pisces full moon asks you to marry ingenuity and curiosity with practical application. This is fundamental for learning. On the 17th, Saturn (your planetary ruler) stations direct after more than four months retrograde. At this time you may be reminded of certain leadership aspirations that fell to the wayside back in April. Right as the Libra new moon arrives on the 28th, you’ll be feeling like a superstar at work! But to truly enjoy it, make a conscious effort to get out of your own head. You don’t have to have battled a crisis to deserve praise, Capricorn.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Now that August has passed, you’ve overcome certain relationship trials and have a better understanding of who deserves your trust. September emphasizes drawing boundaries with your time and energy so you can make thoughtful investments. Accountability matters more than ever now, and can manifest through negotiating shared resources, being direct about what you need from business partners, or asking clients to settle their debts. You will not tolerate outstanding receipts this month, Aquarius. The Pisces full moon on the 13th suggests that if you’re not charging what you’re worth or demanding appropriate compensation for your time and talents, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Even if you don’t increase your rates or ask for a raise right away, you can use this time to practice owning your value. Having affirmed this, the new moon in Libra on the 28th forecasts peace of mind, interpersonal growth, and creative discussion. You may also feel a renewed enthusiasm for projects that align with your beliefs. The only thing holding you back from expanding your horizons is the fear of deviating from a comfortable status quo. You know all too well that change fosters growth, so be sure to lean into this over the next four weeks and watch as the pathways open.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
When was the last time you let someone share the load? Never? Neat. You may be thinking that if you don’t share the burdens, you can keep all the success for yourself! But that mentality eventually leads to exhaustion, Pisces. Use this time to examine your goals and see where your plans can benefit from a collaborator; maybe you’re the creative end and they’re the commercial side. With Mars (the warrior), Venus (the mediator), Mercury (the student), and the Sun (the leader) all in your house of partnership, you can choose the role you want to play, as long as you do so with honesty and integrity. Life has a way of opening roads once you get specific about your priorities. The full moon in your sign on the 13th marks the end of a life chapter started six months ago. This moon supports new conversations that are rooted in intuition, shared interest, and mutual respect. The Libra new moon on the 28th forecasts continued harmony in mergers made in September, as long as you don’t fall back into a pattern of suspicion. The balance of power between parties now depends on trust: in others, and yourself.
Nyssa Grazda is a Los Angeles-based astrological consultant, writer, and intuitive. She speaks to planetary transits and personal empowerment at @neongeometryastrology.
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