Horrible bosses: Eight tips on dealing with them

Do you feel overwhelmed at work? Is your boss the source of your problems? 75 percent of employees consider their supervisor to be the most stressful part of the job.

Fortunately, I am a freelancer, so I am my own boss now. But it wasn’t always this way. There was a time I struggled while working for a person I didn’t mesh with, but thanks to that situation, I have my favorite work today: I am a writer and a career specialist for college students. Every situation can be used to your advantage, so try to look at the negative moments as an opportunity, rather than a problem.

Below is a list of what to do if your boss appears to be a bad leader. Keep their weaknesses in mind, so you can avoid their mistakes and improve your own leadership skills. By being proactive, you can make your work life much more comfortable and pleasant.

1. Don’t feel guilty. Monitor your work progress, listen to evaluations, and try to judge your acts objectively. If you see it’s not your fault your boss acts like this, just take it easy and don’t argue with him or her. Do your work to the best of your ability.

2. Work on your value. Don’t sit and wait for someone to tell you what to do: be sensitive to their needs and make them realize how important and valuable you are to your department and company.

3. Be organized. Even if you see your boss fails here, make his or her disorganization be your inspiration. Manage your time, projects, and tasks—this is the best foundation to build a career. The more organized you are, the more effective and productive you’ll be in reaching your goals.

4. Ask for what you want. Do you know where you want to go and what you want to do with your career? It’s not enough to sit and wait for a promotion that may or may not even happen. The question is: “Where do you want to be promoted to?” After you’ve found the answer, talk to your boss about that.

5. Do not respond negatively. Even when your boss does something unprofessional, do not be in a hurry to show your emotions. Maintain professionalism.

6. Supervise your boss. Don’t wait for your boss to call you or give you a task. Set goals, request a meeting, ask for feedback—and put it in writing. Try to think two steps ahead of your boss, making some things easier for them. You’ll find they’ll do the same for you.

7. Look for mentors outside of your company. If your boss is bad, there is no use trying to change him or her. Go to seminars and conferences, connect with leaders in your industry, and build networks. Let other people inspire, motivate, and teach you. Your boss is not the only person you should listen to.

8. Work on your network. You never know when the time comes to leave your job, so stay visible in your network. Think carefully whether your options, leaders, and workplace are really worth staying at your current job.

To make a long story short: You weren’t lucky enough to work for the right person, but maybe it’s a sign that it’s time for you to become a good leader yourself. If you avoid the mistakes your boss makes and remember the difference between a controller and a leader, your team will admire and follow you.

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