Announcing the launch of WeLive

From all of us at WeWork, we’re very excited to share with you our new labor of love, WeLive. WeLive challenges conventional apartment living by creating homes within a community that are designed to bring people together. As we have learned over the past five years in witnessing the evolution of WeWork, we are all much stronger and happier when we are together.

This mentality and lifestyle shouldn’t end when we go home. To bring our mission to the next level, we needed to create a community that supports passion, friendship, and kindness at home as well. The overwhelmingly positive response to yesterday’s announcement of WeLive is a testament to the power of what we call the “We” generation. We’re all pioneers of this movement where community and meaningful relationships mean more to us than physical space or material possessions. We crave new and exciting experiences with people who share the same passion for life and acceptance of each other.

Our living units are immediately ready with everything you need—pack a suitcase, bring your bicycle and move in. Your furniture, towels, linens, silverware, Internet, and HDTV—all the way down to your toothbrush—are waiting for you. Members can grab a drink in the mailroom, play ping pong while their laundry dries, and enjoy a potluck dinner in our state-of-the-art chef’s kitchen.

The whole idea is that we never have to be alone anymore, but of course can be when we want to be. Whether you decide to stay with us for a day, a week, a month, or a year, our design team has made sure you will feel like you are home.

WeLive is a community for people who know that home is a feeling and not just a place you live.

We hope you will come live with us.
