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In a brand new skyscraper, WeWork L’Avenue features the future of Montreal office space. This modern glass tower is already an icon on the city skyline. Four floors of the prestigious building are devoted to our refreshing coworking space and private offices, empowering you to conduct business from the heart of downtown. Bring clients right across the street to Centre Bell for a game or concert, or take a stroll to beautiful Dorchester Square a few blocks away. Companies both creative and corporate appreciate the community, convenience, and professionalism of WeWork L’Avenue.
Tekniska tjänster
Lokal personal
Unika gemensamma ytor
Kontorsutrymmen på L'Avenue
Eget kontor
Arbetsutrymme för dagen
Medlemskap i delade arbetsutrymmen
Ytterligare lösningar
1275 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal Montreal, QC H3B 0G4
Beräkna pendling
Beräkna pendling med bil, cykel eller till fots, där det finns tillgängligt.
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Vad andra tycker om oss
September 17, 2024
September 02, 2024
August 20, 2024
August 20, 2024