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Building Exterior
Outdoor Terrace
Common Area
Common Area
Conference Room
Common Area
WeWork Labs
Community Desk
Common Area
Conference Room
Phone Booths
Conference Room
Outdoor Terrace
New Mothers' Room
Common Area
Common Area
Common Area
Berminat dengan lokasi ini?
Kami siap membantu.
600 Congress Ave
This downtown Austin office space offers plenty of individuality bundled up in three floors—where else could you find interior design inspired by Wes Anderson films, hip-hop lyrics on the walls to motivate the hustle, and windows that pay homage to the city’s lively music scene? In a modern building in the heart of downtown, this coworking space captures the Austin feel we love so dearly. The diverse community here ranges from tech startups to graphic designers to art collectors. There’s parking in the building, secure bike storage, and easy access to buses. Blocks from the Texas State Capitol, the office space is also a ten-minute walk from the biking and hiking trails around Austin’s Town Lake. World-famous 6th Street, lined with music venues, is right around the corner. For a central location, lots of amenities, and a quirky vibe, you’ll love this location.
Tentang 600 Congress Ave
This downtown Austin office space offers plenty of individuality bundled up in three floors—where else could you find interior design inspired by Wes Anderson films, hip-hop lyrics on the walls to motivate the hustle, and windows that pay homage to the city’s lively music scene? In a modern building in the heart of downtown, this coworking space captures the Austin feel we love so dearly. The diverse community here ranges from tech startups to graphic designers to art collectors. There’s parking in the building, secure bike storage, and easy access to buses. Blocks from the Texas State Capitol, the office space is also a ten-minute walk from the biking and hiking trails around Austin’s Town Lake. World-famous 6th Street, lined with music venues, is right around the corner. For a central location, lots of amenities, and a quirky vibe, you’ll love this location.
- Ruang WeWork 80.380 kaki persegi
- Jam yang diperpanjang Ya
- Gedung Hijau
Teras luar ruangan
Kamar orang tua
Ruang kesehatan
Ruang acara
Tempat mandi
Layanan Teknologi
Unik di gedung ini
Teras luar ruangan
Dari balkon hingga atap gedung, ruangan al fresco kami menawarkan lingkungan yang indah untuk minum kopi, yoga, makan siang, atau pertemuan pribadi.
Kamar orang tua
Ruangan khusus, pribadi, dapat dikunci, dan nyaman untuk orang tua baru - lengkap dengan kulkas dan wastafel untuk kenyamanan Anda.
Ruang kesehatan
Entah Anda seorang ibu yang menyusui, akan beribadah, atau ingin bermeditasi, Anda dapat mengandalkan ruangan tenang yang dapat dikunci ini.
Ruang acara
Dengan sistem suara dan kontrol pencahayaan, lounge dapat diubah menjadi tempat pertemuan anggota. WeWork juga menyelenggarakan acara virtual untuk menjalin jejaring di seluruh komunitas kami.
Tempat mandi
Bagi mereka yang berangkat kerja dengan bersepeda atau gemar melakukan olahraga pagi, menyegarkan diri menjadi mudah berkat tempat mandi di lokasi.
Fasilitas standar WeWork
Layanan Teknologi
Terhubung dengan kabel Ethernet atau Wi-Fi yang aman, termasuk dukungan TI dan fungsionalitas login tamu. Layanan Teknologi Opsional tersedia untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan keamanan jaringan Anda, tidak perlu Belanja Modal. Biaya tambahan berlaku.
Ruang rapat
Ruang serbaguna ini dapat diatur agar dapat digunakan tim untuk berkumpul, rapat, berpartisipasi dalam konferensi video, atau memberikan presentasi—secara virtual atau tatap muka langsung.
Staf di tempat
Dengan keahlian operasional dan latar belakang yang berfokus pada layanan selama bertahun-tahun, tim Komunitas kami selalu siap untuk menyediakan semua yang dibutuhkan agar kantor Anda berjalan dengan lancar.
Area umum yang unik
Sebagai elemen utama dari lokasi kami, ruang kerja bergaya ruang tamu ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan kreativitas, kenyamanan, dan produktivitas.
Bilik telepon
Bilik telepon berfungsi sebagai ruang tenang untuk melakukan panggilan telepon pribadi, berpartisipasi dalam panggilan video singkat, atau hanya beristirahat sejenak tanpa gangguan.
Printer kelas bisnis
Setiap gedung memiliki ruang khusus yang berisi printer kelas bisnis, persediaan kantor, dan mesin penghancur kertas.
Acara dan pemrograman profesional
Tim Komunitas kami rutin menyelenggarakan beberapa aktivitas seperti membangun jaringan, makan siang & belajar dan lainnya, ditambah aktivitas seru untuk membantu memberi tambahan hiburan.
Tidak termasuk
Ramah anjing
Penyimpanan sepeda
Ruang produksi
Stasiun pengisian daya kendaraan listrik
Ruangan Kantor di 600 Congress Ave
Ruang Kerja Harian
Kartu Pas Harian
Bayar sesuai penggunaan ruang kerja bersama dan private office yang dipesan setiap hari
- Untuk individu dan tim kecil
- Wi-Fi cepat, kopi dan teh tanpa batas, dan banyak lagi
Dimulai dari $47/hari*
*Ditambah pajak yang berlaku dan harga yang berbeda-beda bergantung lokasi
Ruang Rapat
Bayar sesuai penggunaan ruang rapat yang dipesan per jam
- Untuk grup kecil dan besar
- Wi-Fi cepat, kopi dan teh tanpa batas, dan banyak lagi
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam*
*Ditambah pajak yang berlaku dan harga yang berbeda-beda bergantung lokasi
Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
Dedicated Desk
Meja pribadi Anda di kantor bersama. Syarat komitmen yang fleksibel.
- Kapasitas 1 orang
- Penanganan surat dan paket
WeWork All Access Plus
Keanggotaan bulanan ke ruang kerja bersama di dekat Anda dan di seluruh dunia di 450+ lokasi
- 1 pemesanan ruang kerja bersama per hari
- 5 kredit disertakan setiap bulan untuk memesan ruang rapat dan private office
Dimulai dari $299/bln$240/bln untuk paket 12-bln*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya yang berlaku
Private Office
Private Office
Kantor siap huni dengan fasilitas bersama atau fasilitas pribadi
- Penanganan surat dan paket
- Untuk tim beranggotakan 1-100+
- Keanggotaan bulanan atau tahunan
Mulai dari $350 per meja/bulan*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya. Harga termasuk penawaran promosi.
Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
Ruangan kantor satu lantai penuh yang luas untuk disewakan, sempurna untuk tim besar.
- Untuk tim beranggotakan 50+
- Lantai pribadi
Solusi Tambahan
Alamat Bisnis WeWork
Alamat profesional dengan penanganan surat dan paket.
- Layanan kantor virtual
- Penanganan surat dan paket dengan add-on penerusan surat opsional**
**Add-on penerusan surat dikenakan biaya bulanan tambahan, biaya pengiriman kurir pihak ketiga, dan biaya layanan.
Dimulai dari $119/bln$102/bln untuk paket 24-bln*
*Ditambah pajak dan biaya yang berlaku
**Add-on penerusan surat dikenakan biaya bulanan tambahan, biaya pengiriman kurir pihak ketiga, dan biaya layanan.
Ruang Acara
Ruang dengan kelengkapan yang baik untuk acara, acara luar kantor, atau pemotretan film Anda.
Ketersediaan Dedicated Desk
- Nikmati Wi-Fi cepat, kopi tanpa batas, tim di tempat, dan banyak lagi
- Berperabot lengkap
- Penanganan surat dan paket
Ketersediaan Private Office
- Nikmati Wi-Fi cepat, kopi tanpa batas, tim di tempat, dan banyak lagi
- Berperabot lengkap
- Penanganan surat dan paket
Direkomendasikan untuk Anda
Private Office
Ruang kerja pribadi yang siap ditempati untuk tim dengan berbagai ukuran dilengkapi pilihan fasilitas bersama atau fasilitas pribadi—serta ketersediaan pilihan Satu Lantai Penuh guna privasi dan personalisasi tambahan.
Mari kita berbincang
600 Congress Ave Austin, TX 78701
Need inspiration? You’ve come to the right place. WeWork Congress is a visual marvel, filled with warm woods, turquoise and southwest-sunset shades, and touches of soft leather. Take advantage of the colorful lounges, spacious meeting rooms, and even a peaceful yoga room. There might be no better spot, though, than our expansive terrace overlooking the skyline. All in all, WeWork Congress is a dynamic workspace that’ll reinvigorate your business.
Detail transit terdekat
Need inspiration? You’ve come to the right place. WeWork Congress is a visual marvel, filled with warm woods, turquoise and southwest-sunset shades, and touches of soft leather. Take advantage of the colorful lounges, spacious meeting rooms, and even a peaceful yoga room. There might be no better spot, though, than our expansive terrace overlooking the skyline. All in all, WeWork Congress is a dynamic workspace that’ll reinvigorate your business.
Ringkasan berjalan & berkendara
Walker's Paradise
99 / 100
Good Transit
69 / 100
Biker's Paradise
95 / 100
Powered by Walk Score ®
Transit terdekat
- Capital Metro Rail is nearby. The closest rail stop is at 4th St. between Trinity St. and Neches St
- One American Center ($285/mo)
- Mopac, I-35
- Going Northbound: Lavaca between 3rd and 4th street, and at Lavaca & 8th Street. Going Southbound: Guadalupe between 4th & 5th street, and at Guadalupe and 8th Street
- Storage available. Austin B Cycle stations are nearby
Hitung perjalanan Anda
Menghitung perjalanan dengan berkendara, bersepeda, atau berjalan kaki, bila tersedia.
Commute calculator powered by Walk Score® Travel Time
Apa kata mereka
miltos saratzidis
October 24, 2024
AD Avenue Group
May 15, 2023
Sarah Ichord
February 13, 2023
Arda Kert
December 07, 2022
47 Ulasan
miltos saratzidis
October 24, 2024
We start working on Wework like a week ago we are super excited being here. The community is incredible and some days it has some fun activity for example today we draw pumpkins, and we might have an unofficial competition 🙃
AD Avenue Group
May 15, 2023
Awesome view. This coworking space is absolutely georgous. Love the setup of the location near downtown, and the staff is great
Sarah Ichord
February 13, 2023
Staff was so nice and helpful, unlimited tea, water, coffee, kombucha, sparkling water and fast internet to work!
Arda Kert
December 07, 2022
One of the most laidback and cool office spaces I’ve been to. Three floors has enough seats and air to host as many people as it’s needed. They sometimes broadcast sports events on screen. There is a large terrace on the highest floor. Facilities (print, wifi etc) are flawless and cutting edge.
Celinda Adame
November 19, 2022
Life long platform for established members.Lash And The City saying I'll be Ok and hope to revisit again soon.May have to cancel my visit on the 21st of November 2022. I was involved in an 18 Wheeler crash auto accident. And the driver did not stop. Weworks I'm wishing all safety visiting this Thanksgiving.
Daniel Bryant
October 09, 2022
A good WeWork, with solid WiFi, and plenty of desk place the day I was there (the desks were Texas big, too). The staff were friendly, and all the usual amenities were present (gotta love that Nitro brew!)
Megan Hrncirik
April 16, 2022
Metered parking is available along congress and there is a $10.00 early bird parking garage couple blocks away—“park before 8am, leave before 8pm.” You have to enter into the main building ground level and go up to the 14th floor in order to check in. My favorite was their 16th floor—it is a lot less crowded and includes an outdoor terrace. The $30 day pass was definitely worth the experience!
Alexander Hernández Ojeda
December 16, 2021
Buen cerbicio, buen trato
Alper Üzmezler
September 07, 2021
Clean quite
March 05, 2020
I just completed the tour trip; Costa Rica extended for 9 days and 8 nights. The people I meet in the group were awesome and at the end of the trip we all became great friend. The communities we visited were also superb. Its great seeing how almost everyone knew each other there. Our tour guide, Tete, was amazing. She had great knowledge of the communities, good leadership skills; looking after the group, and super friendly with the community and the group. One of the best tour guides and trips I ever took. Thanks to everyone who made this possible.
Mandar Kulkarni
July 19, 2019
Absolutely amazing place for work.
Pedro Cabassa
March 31, 2019
Went in for a day pass. Super friendly and atrentive staff, good coffee and kombucha on tap.
Jason Maulding
November 07, 2018
Love everything about this place! Staff is amazing, great office space and love the rooftop view!
Eduardo Ponce de Leon
August 08, 2018
Great place to have an office.
William Adams
March 02, 2018
Wow, this place was so cool. Attended a meeting there with Sourced, and got to see a bit of the space. Lots of room for people to collaborate whole still offering private areas for solo work and rentable meeting rooms. Totally open concept, lots going on, but I never felt overwhelmed or claustrophobic. Only complaint that I had was that every door handle was different, and some were confusing to operate. I know that sounds silly, and I'm sure if I was there daily it wouldn't be an issue, but it was strange.
Jelajahi bangunan terdekat
55 kaki
Common Desk - 6th & Congress
- Acara
0.9 mil
801 Barton Springs Rd
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
2 mil
University Park
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
6 mil
Common Desk - Anderson Lane
- Acara
9.1 mil
Quarry Oaks II
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
9.5 mil
The Domain
- Kartu Pas Harian
- Ruang Rapat
- Keanggotaan Ruang Kerja Bersama
- Dedicated Desk
- Private Office
- Kantor Satu Lantai Penuh
- Alamat Bisnis WeWork
- Acara
Mulai dari $8 per kursi/jam
- Semua lokasi
- Amerika Serikat
- Austin
- 600 Congress Ave